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This is test discovery tool which searches for tests executes them and displays result, which you can run inside your python script or launch gui app in pytestdemoapp folder. Repository contains 3 directories pytestdemoapp, pytestpulse and unit_tests. pytestdemoapp is gui application for using pytestpulse tool in action. unit_tests folder are sample tests that you can run to see pytestpulse result. To install tool you need to navigate to pytestpulse directory and then type pip install .. To simply use pytestpulse tool in your python scripts:

from pytestpulse.unit_tests_executor import execute

execute(PATH) function runs pytestpulse flow:

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pytestpulse available arguments:

Argument Type Description
path(required) string Tests directory path
report_format ReportFormat object Format of tests report. Default value is None, meaning that the format will be text. Available formats are JsonFormat, XmlFormat and CsvFormat
save_to_file bool Whether or not tests reports should be saved to file. File will be saved with the name pytestpulse_report.<format>. Default value is False
save_dir string Directory where tests report should be saved. Note: If save_to_file is set to False then this argument has no effect. Default value is current working directory

pytestpulse have options for formatting result report. For that case you need to pass report_format argument in execute function. For now, you can pass JsonFormat(), XmlFormat() or CsvFormat():

from pytestpulse.unit_tests_executor import execute
from pytestpulse import report_format
execute("$YOUR_PATH", report_format.JsonFormat())

But you can also pass your own format. For that you need to override ReportFormat object:

class ReportFormat(ABC):
    def format_report(self, report):

    def display_formatted_report(self, formatted_report):

    def save_to_file(self, formatted_reports, save_dir):

Note: format_report is the most crucial method that you need to override as display_formatted_report and save_to_file methods use value that returns format_report. format_report takes as argument TestReport object:

Argument Type Description
tests_file_name string Name of unit tests file
tests_result dict Contains info about tests_result. It has two keys passed_tests and failed_tests. passed_tests is list of test's names and failed tests is dict where test's names is key and value is fail cause
tests_status string Status of executed tests. Status can be OK or Failed
tests_exec_time float Execution time of unit tests in file

Here is example how to define CsvFormat():

class CsvFormat(ReportFormat):
    def format_report(self, report):
        # concat passed tests with failed
        tests = (report.tests_result['passed_tests'] +
                 list(map(lambda test: list(test)[0], report.tests_result['failed_tests'])))
        # get tests status
        tests_status = (['OK' for report in report.tests_result['passed_tests']]
                        + ['Fail' for report in report.tests_result['failed_tests']])
        # parse tests error cause
        error_cause = ([None for _ in report.tests_result['passed_tests']]
                       + list(map(lambda test: list(test.values())[0].replace('\n', ''), report.tests_result['failed_tests'])))
        # return dict with tests results and its exec time
        return {
            'tests': list(zip(tests, tests_status, error_cause)),
            'execution_time': report.tests_exec_time,

    def display_formatted_report(self, formatted_report):
        divider = "=" * 55 + "\n"
        # Add headers to the formatted string
        formatted_string = '\n' + divider
        formatted_string += "{:<20} | {:<10} | {:<20}\n".format('Test', 'Status', 'Error Cause')
        formatted_string += divider

        # Add tests result to the formatted string
        for test, status, error_cause in formatted_report['tests']:
            formatted_string += "{:<20} | {:<10} | {:<20}\n".format(test, status, str(error_cause).replace('\n', ' '))

        # Add execution time to the formatted string
        formatted_string += divider
        formatted_string += f'Execution time: {formatted_report["execution_time"]}\n'
        # Display formatted string

    def save_to_file(self, formatted_reports, save_dir):
        with open(f"{save_dir}/pytestpulse_report.csv", "w", newline='') as csvfile:
            # write headers
            csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=['Test', 'Status', 'Error cause'], delimiter=';')
            csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';')
            # write all test reports to file
            csv_writer.writerows([tests for report in formatted_reports for tests in report['tests']])
            # write total execution time for all reports
            csv_writer.writerow([f'Execution Time = {sum(report["execution_time"] for report in formatted_reports)}'])

In pytestpulse folder you can find sample reports files in json, xml and csv format.


Test Discovery tool






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