- predicting body types based of demographic and habits features
- 1477 data samples.
- 16 attributes (+1 for classes).
- 4 output classes.
- Gender: Male or female.
- Age: Numeric value.
- Height: Numeric value (in meters).
- Weight: Numeric value (in kilograms).
- Fam_Hist: Does the family have a history with obesity?
- H_Cal_Consump: High caloric food consumption.
- Veg_Consump: Frequency of vegetables consumption.
- Meal_Count: Average number of meals per day.
- Food_Between_Meals: Frequency of eating between meals.
- Smoking: Is the person smoking?
- Water_Consump: Frequency of water consumption.
- H_Cal_Burn: Does the body have high calories burn rate?
- Phys_Act: How often does the person do physical activities?
- Time_E_Dev: How much time does person spend on electronic devices.
- Alcohol_Consump: Frequency of alcohols consumption.
- Transport: Which transports does the person usually use?
- Body_Level: Class of human body level.