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The first one of the twenties.

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@MichMich MichMich released this 01 Jan 21:08
· 2084 commits to master since this release

[2.10.0] - 2020-01-01

Special thanks to @sdetweil for all his great contributions!

ℹ️ Note: This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: git pull && npm install.


  • Timestamps in log output.
  • Padding in dateheader mode of the calendar module.
  • New upgrade script to help users consume regular updates installers/
  • New script to help setup pm2, without install installers/


  • Updated lower bound of lodash and helmet dependencies for security patches.
  • Updated compliments.js to handle newline in text, as textfields to not interpolate contents.
  • Updated installer script to handle new platform issues, split node/npm, pm2, and screen saver changes.
  • Improve handling for armv6l devices, where electron support has gone away, add optional serveronly config option.
  • Improved to handle for serveronly mode, by choice, or when electron not available.
  • Only check for xwindows running if not on macOS.


  • Fixed issue in weatherforecast module where predicted amount of rain was not using the decimal symbol specified in config.js.
  • Module header now updates correctly, if a module need to dynamically show/hide its header based on a condition.
  • Fix handling of config.js for serverOnly mode commented out.
  • Fixed issue in calendar module where the debug script didn't work correctly with authentication.
  • Fixed issue that some full day events were not correctly recognized as such.
  • Display full day events lasting multiple days as happening today instead of some days ago if they are still ongoing.