WiCS, "Workbook information Consolidation System", is a laravel application for centralizing and enforcing validation on workbook/spreadsheet modifications.
WiCS allows users to specify spreadsheets, along with column headings and validation rules on data entered into those columns. The the user can then assign individuals he/she would like to add information to that spreadsheet, with the application strictly enforcing validation on the information.
WiCS is a lightweight laravel application with an object-relational graph database on the back-end.
WiCS makes use of the following open source technologies:
- Laravel 5 - A PHP MVC framework for lightweight powerful applications.
- NeoEloquent - An eloquent laravel driver for Neo4J graph database.
- Laravel Excel - An eloquent laravel driver for importing and exporting Excel and CSV files.
- And of course, all the good client side technologies :)
Wish to contribute? Drop me an email! [email protected]
Apache 2.0