Modified version which hide totem nameplate to show icons, it also remove nameplate from minions like Treant.
It also modify the nameplates of
- Venomous Snake/Viper from hunter's trap
- Treant from druid
- Water Elemental from mage
- Shadowfiend from priest
- Gargoyle from DK
Modified also the icons to be HD and thin
support english and french client only
Added support for KuiNameplates
i added also a party icons feature which display the class icon of your party members with HD and rounded icons. Inspired by the Evolve UI and ArenaPlates addon from Schaka.
This version works everywhere, in arena, in raid, in bg ....
It can be usefull in arena to show easily where your mate is, and also in raid to see where your party members are to use a party item/spell like Bloodlust.
You can enable/disable this feature with a slash command :
/totemplates partyicons
or /tm partyicons
Fork of this version :