This is a Work In Progress Unreal Engine 4 implementation of a Player Studio draft site for PlanetSide 2. Though I (MaceMadunusus) am not actively working on it anymore and it lacks a lot of more recent content added to PlanetSide. If anyone would like to continue adding let me know.
Requires Unreal Engine 4.20 Official Release and above.
To visualize faction color switching your level must be using the HUD_PS2 HUD asset and Pawn_PS2. Once that is done, play your level in editor and hold TAB to enable the pop-up menu. Click the faction you would like global assets to switch to.
Don't want the music playing in-game? Hit M. Switch your pawns faction by hitting X. Capture a base by hitting Z.
Files in the restricted folder are not to be taken out or modified for other projects. You can however use them within this project.
There are more to do than this, but here are some things I can think of.
- Add remaining window and door covers to building blueprints.
- Create a working Teleporter.
- Create a working JumpPad with proper targeting.
- Redo NewTower blueprint to make more sense and be less wonky and more efficient.
- Searhus Terrain Material
- Master Material Vector Up Based Snow (For Esamir Assets)
- Master Material Crevice Based Sand (For Indar Assets)
- Master Material Moss (For Hossin and possibly Amerish/Koltyr Assets)
- Adjust Master Material for additional overlays currently handled by TwoTex Material.
- Add adjustable sky materials for each continent.
- Shields
- Foliage
- Fix Lightning Turret
- Add particles for SCU and its stages.
- Add particles for vertical part of Gravity Lifts.
- Add Teleporter particles.
- Fix missing stage 2 and 3 particles on Generator.
- Fix Harasser Specular texture order.
- Add sky textures for each continent.
- Add faction color capability to many other NS textures.