Sharif Courseware Subscriber / Telegram Publisher
In Computer Engineering department of Sharif University of Technology some courses use this as their courseware. Unfortunately this system doesn't send any notification to the students so there's a high chance of missing some course news.
Mofatesh is a Telegram bot; It checks the courseware periodically and whenever it finds something new collects it. On the other hand students can use this bot to subscribe to a course, so whenever the bot finds something new it notifies them.
In order to setup this project one needs to install python requirements and then config the project. It's quite straightforward:
pip install -r requirements.txt
and then create a file named
# Required
# Place allowed courses here
# Optional
BOT_SLEEP_TIME = 10 # check users status time interval
COLLECTOR_SLEEP_TIME = 60 # check courseware time interval
The course ID can be extracted from the URL of course homepage. Just replace each /
with a _
There are 2 services you should run. A collector service and a publisher service.
Just run each of the following commands in a different terminal session.
python collector
python publisher
Just add the Telegram bot to the group of course or directly message it.
There are 4 commands:
/listen <course ID>
/deafen <course ID>