EE-635 semester project Group Members:
- Muhammad Shayan Nazeer
Recent years have seen a boom in commercial deployment of 5G networks. These
networks offer greater bandwidth and lower latencies that can enable wide scale adoption various
new applications like extended reality, industrial automation, autonomous vehicles and IoT. Many of
these applications require tight time synchronization over the network to fully exploit 5G capabilities.
An important feature of 5G networks is that they provide different network slices for each class of
application (i.e. industrial automation, IoT etc.) each of which have different timing requirements.
Characterize a basic time synchronization protocol (e.g. NTP) over different 5G network slices.
• Simulate different 5G network slices using a hardware testbed
• Characterize network propagation delays over these network slices
• Compare data-plane and control-plane packet exchange
• Software: Sign-up for remote 5G testbed access at COSMOS Lab