The course is all here, no Blackboard will be used. Once you have a Github account (instructionsbelow), Fork
this repository and Clone
it to your machine. Then you can Pull from origin
to get my updates, and Push
your Commits
to your fork, where they can be seen on
Classes from previous (alternate) years: 2020, 2018.
- for our communications over literature and other Web content. Click here to begin. Learn what it is, and create an account. Install their Chrome browser plugin. To test it, make a visible comment on some Web page. If you wish, learn about how to make private rather than public comment channels (Groups), and invite the instructor to join your class-related Group.
Matlab is free to you while you are at UM, because UM pays a handsome fee for an unlimited license. You will need to create an account, verify a UM license token, etc. It is very powerful, and very well documented, with lots of user-friendly features and customer service (people paid to do tech support). You can install it by starting here.
The IDV (for data integration and visualization), install the nightly build from Undiata. You will need to create a light sign-in, just so they know who’s using it.
Beginner's intro to github:
How to use repos in teaching
List of emojis you can use in Markdown:
Special characters to cut and paste