This is a simple program to play the Othello game.
Othello begins with four disks in the center, two black (i.e., player's) and two white (i.e., computer's), on an 8-by-8 board. The black goes first. A player can put a disk of their color anywhere on the board that meets the following conditions:
- there must be a disk of the opponent's color directly adjacent to the square in which the disk is placed
- on the other side of the opponent's disk, there may be more disks of the opponent's as well, but they must end in another disk of the player who is making the move
That player then flips all of the opponent's disks from the point where the move was made until the next disk of the player's color. The flipping is oden in all eight directions (i.e., up, dewn, left, right, and diagonals). The player with the most disks at the end of the game wins.