MORE-Specific Repackaging of Limesurvey
This repository contains a docker-compose.yaml
to launch Limesurvey locally for development and testing.
After starting the Compose using docker compose up -d
, Limesurvey is available at http://localhost:8080.
To access the configuration backend, login via http://localhost:8080/index.php/admin/authentication/sa/login.
For authentication in MORE we use SSO based on OAuth with Keycloak. With the plugin, we can use our account we use for the MORE Study-Manager to sign in to Limesurvey.
The OAuth-plugin is shipped within this docker-image, but needs to be "loaded" before it can be
enabled and configured.
Go to Configuration > Settings > Plugins
, press the Scan files
-Button and select the
Then continue with the configuration of the plugin:
- Client ID:
- Client Secret can be found in the limesurvey client on Keycloak
- Authorize URL:
- Scopes:
- Access Token URL:
- User Details URL:
- Key for username in user details:
- Key for e-mail in user details:
- Key for display name in user details:
- Check "Create new users", which creates a new user after successfull login
You can set global roles for new users. Roles can be created as administrator under
Configuration > Users > User roles > Add user role
. Once a new role is created,
it can be added as a global role for new users.
Finally, enable the plugin in the Overview.
NOTE: Even if you enable OAuth2 as the default login mechanism, you can always switch to the default
(local database) login by directly going to ${BASE_URL}/index.php/admin/authentication/sa/login/authMethod/Authdb
Limesurvey uses JSON-RPC. This has to be enabled first before it can be used in
Configuration > Settings > Global > Interfaces
as such:
To use the API, you first need to get a session key. Only then you can use it. The most important requests for us are:
- get_session_key
- add_survey (creates a new survey)
- activate_tokens (creates a participant table, which is needed to import participants)
- add_participants (creates participants with defined parameters, such as token or uses left)
- activate_survey
- copy_survey
- list_surveys (lists all surveys belonging to a user)
- delete_survey
We must modify the default settings in LimeSurvey and ensure that these feature are activated within the Global Survey Settings:
under the Presentation section turn on Automatically load end URL when survey complete:
Configuration > Settings > Global survey > Presentation
under the Participant settings trun on Allow multiple responses or update responses with one access code:
Configuration > Settings > Global survey > Participant settings
These permissions only apply for a single survey. If you want to set permissions for the whole system, you can use global permissions. These permissions can be offered either to a single user or to a user group.
To change the survey permissions, click the Settings tab. Then, click Survey permissions and choose to whom would you like to offer permissions. The permissions can be offered either separately to specific users or to a user group.
By default, an user (non-admin) cannot grant survey permissions to users that are not part of the same group as the survey administrator. This is a security option enabled by default in LimeSurvey. To change this, you need to deactivate option Group member can only see own group, located in the Global settings, under the Security tab. However, if you feel unsure about disabling this option, you can create groups containing those users that can be seen and be granted survey permissions by a survey creator.
Check the following link for further information:
To answer a questionnaire, a user needs an access token and the url of the survey. They can then answer the survey and the answers are stored in the limesurvey database.
Limesurvey allows custom scripts for a theme. With this feature, custom functionality can be added, when a user submits an answer, for example. This could be useful in the future.