Trajectory visualization for ROS2 with pretty much the same functionality as hector_trajectory_server
for ROS1.
This package provides a node that saves trajectory data using a TransformListener between reference_frame_id
and robot_frame_id
, the trajectory is saved internally as a nav_msgs/Path
and can be obtained through the trajectory_topic
The update_rate
, publish_rate
and min_distance
- that triggers an update - can be modified by parameters as described below.
Starting it as a node:
ros2 run mogi_trajectory_server mogi_trajectory_server
or within your launch file:
trajectory_node = Node(
parameters=[{'reference_frame_id': 'map'},
{'robot_frame_id': 'base_link'}]
No topic subscription is needed because the node uses a TransformListener.
trajectory (nav_msgs/Path)
(string, default: "trajectory")
The name of the published trajectory topic
(string, default: "odom")
The name of the tf target frame, change it to map if your fixed frame is a map. It is also used in the published trajectory message's header
(string, default: "base_link")
The name of the tf source frame = robot chassis frame
(double, default: 3.0)
The update rate in Hz for the trajectory update interanally using tf and TransformListener
(double, default: 2.0)
The publish rate in Hz for the trajectory published on the trajectory
(double, default: 0.1)
The minimum movement of the robot that triggers an update within the node
Pretty much identical functiuonality but uses an odometry topic as input instead of TransformListener. It's not accurate on maps and in general not recommended to use over the mogi_trajectory_server
but can be still useful in certain use cases.
This package provides a node that saves trajectory data based on the odometry_topic
topic, the trajectory is saved internally as a nav_msgs/Path
and can be obtained through the trajectory_topic
The publish_rate
and min_distance
- that triggers an update - can be modified by parameters as described below.
Starting it as a node:
ros2 run mogi_trajectory_server mogi_trajectory_server
or within your launch file:
trajectory_node = Node(
parameters=[{'frame_id': 'odom'},
{'odometry_topic': 'odom'}]
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
trajectory (nav_msgs/Path)
(string, default: "odom")
The name of the odometry topic that the node subscribes
(string, default: "trajectory")
The name of the published trajectory topic
(string, default: "odom")
The name of the target frame in the published message's header
(double, default: 0.1)
The minimum movement of the robot that triggers an update within the node
(double, default: 2.0)
The publish rate in Hz for the trajectory published on the trajectory