Official Code for "Density Planner: Minimizing Collision Risk in Motion Planning with Dynamic Obstacles using Density-based Reachability"
- clone the project
git clone
- Create and activate new environment
conda create --name density_planner python=3.8
conda activate density_planner
- Install requirements from "requirements.txt"
pip install -r requirements.txt
specify motion planning methods in "motion_planning/":
python -m motion_planning.plan_motion --mp_setting ablation
python -m motion_planning.plan_motion --mp_setting artificial
python -m motion_planning.plan_motion --mp_setting real
- define optimization and motion planning methods in "motion_planning/", line 34 and line 37
- start the motion planner with custom options:
python -m motion_planning.plan_motion [--mp_name NAME] [--mp_setting SETTING] [--random_seed SEED] [--mp_use_realEnv REAL]
[--mp_stationary STAT] [--mp_num_envs NUM_ENVS] [--mp_num_initial NUM_INITIAL] [--mp_recording RECORDING]
[--mp_plot PLOT] [--mp_plot_cost PLOT_C] [--mp_plot_envgrid PLOT_E] [--mp_plot_final PLOT_F] [--mp_plot_traj PLOT_T]
optional arguments:
--mp_name NAME Name for the logging folder (default: "test)
--mp_setting SETTING Configuration to reproduce the results from the paper (default: "custom")
"ablation" for comparison of optimization methods
"artificial" for comparison of all motion planning methods in artificially generated environments
"real" for motion planning methods in environments generated from real-world environments
"custom" for custom configuration
--random_seed SEED Random seed which is used for generating the motion planning task and drawing the initial state (default: 0)
--mp_use_realEnv REAL True if real-world environments should be used (False for SETTING="artificial", True for SETTING="real", default: False)
--mp_stationary STAT True if stationary environments should be used (default: False)
--mp_num_envs NUM_ENVS Number of environments which should be tested (default: 10)
--mp_num_envs NUM_ENVS Number of different initial states which are tested in each environment (default: 1)
--mp_recording RECORDING Recording of the inD dataset which is used if REAL=True (default: 26)
--mp_plot PLOT True if intermdiate Trajectories during optimization should be plotted (default: False)
--mp_plot_cost PLOT_C True if cost curves from gradient-based optimization should be plotted (default: False)
--mp_plot_envgrid PLOT_E True if occupation map should be plotted (default: False)
--mp_plot_final PLOT_F True if final optimized/ planned trajectory should be plotted (default: True)
--mp_plot_traj PLOT_T True if final optimized/ planned trajectories of all motion planners should be plotted in one plot (default: False)
- train contraction controller for the new system with "", and save controller and model in "data/trained_controller/"
- define the dynamics of the new system analog to "systems/" and put path to the trained controller in function "system.load_controller"
- generate trainings data
a) generate lots of raw data by solving the Liouville equation with "data_generation/"
b) create trainings and validation dataset with "data_generation/" by setting "args.nameend_rawdata" to the name of the rawdata folder - train density predictor for the new system with "density_training/"
(set "args.nameend_TrainDataset" to the name of your trainings dataset, set "args.nameend_ValDataset" to the name of your validation dataset, specify hyperparmaters for the training in - do motion planning as described in the previous section
(set "args.name_pretrained_nn" to the name of the trained density predictor)