A heavy modification of the original c_uart_interface_example, works on ARM Cortex-M4 STM32F4
In Depth explanation of the functionnality of this interface
This readme serves as a Usage guide
The FEMTO-ST internship report (French)
The original c_uart_interface_example can be found here (maintained by Lorenz Meier): mavlink_control
This version is stripped down to bare minimum (all these elements have been removed):
- pthreads (all thread dependent functions have been replaced)
- read/write (replaced by usart receive and send functions)
- serial port (replaced with USART)
- All C++ classes
- try and catch mechanisms
- parse commandline and Ctrl-C handeling functions
- printfs (Only for STM32F4 version)
Dependencies :
- mavlink
- libopencm3
- Support for PC
- added a separate makefile
- STM32F4 build can simulate movement using the internal acceleration sensor LIS3DSH (joystick like behavior)
- Separate source files for each architecture Fixed mavlink library
- asynchronous read() mechanism using USART interrupts
- Recombine general_read_messages () and read_messages()
- Added initial position acquisation
- Tested on the ground with both STM32F4 and PC architectures
- modified the sequences, work as expected
- Added automatic arm/disarm functions
- Move all the execution sequences to seperate files
- Concatenate all the repetitive commands into functions
- Added full source code guide
- Reduce timer prescaler
- Make timer_isr dependent functions more general (works with any value of the prescaler)
- Add disable_offboard_control () on exit failure
- Employ correction algorithms based on external sensor input (work on Sensor_bridge)
- Add support for other boards
- Add activation on request for STM32F4 board
- STM32F4-discovery (or others might be possible with code modification)
- ARM development tools : toolchain, st-link
- mavlink and libopencm3 libraries
- couple of FTDI converters (USB--Serial)
- Pixhawk (altho this can be optional if you want to simulate the drone itself)
For this to compile correctly, you need summon-arm-toolchain. A modified summon-arm-toolchain script is available here : https://github.com/jmfriedt/summon-arm-toolchain
This version have latest gcc and libopencm3 configured for installation.
Install the dependencies :
apt-get install libmpc-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev
git clone https://github.com/jmfriedt/summon-arm-toolchain
chmod +x summon-arm-toolchain
Define the path to the binaries after the installation is finished :
export PATH=/home/<USERNAME>/sat/bin:$PATH
You can put this file in .bashrc or .profile to make bash add the path each time.
Once the toolchain is installed to ~/sat or any other directory you choose, proceed to install texane ST-Link
Instruction on the installation are available in the README.md file.
Keep in mind that this piece of code (although not complete) interacts mainly with PX4 autopilot system.
Everything discussed here can be found on Dev Guide:
apt-get install python-serial openocd flex bison libncurses5-dev autoconf
texinfo build-essential libftdi-dev libtool zlib1g-dev python-empy
apt-get install ant protobuf-compiler libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev openjdk-7-jdk
openjdk-7-jre clang-3.5 lldb-3.5
mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone https://github.com/PX4/Firmware.git
cd Firmware
git submodule update --init --recursive
Warning : you need at openjdk-7-jdk or openjdk-6-jdk, otherwise, jmavsim won't work unless tweaked.
The simulation is based on jMAVsim, which is being regularly updated. This application is able to simulate the movement of a drone to a high extent.
First of all: check if the ttyUSB* device is present :
watch -n 1 “ dmesg | tail – 20”
Then setup a physical connection from the converter to the serial port :
(default :/dev/ttyUSB0):
| --------------------------------------- | TX : GPIO8 (PIN PD8)
| --------------------------------------- | RX : GPIO9 (PIN PD9)
| --------------------------------------- | GND
The only problem with this one, is that it opens UDP ports on the local computer (port 14540 usually). Although our program is waiting on a serial-to-USB connection (via a FTDI converter). Thus, we need to setup a mechanism to redirect all the traffic from and to that Serial port, to the UDP port run by the local simulation (OR reprogram the jMAVsim launching script to make it pass through a serial connection)
Establish a netcat bridge (bit unreliable): Open 2 terminals, in the first (1) type:
nc -l -u -p 14540 | cat > /dev/ttyUSB0
In the second (2):
cat < /dev/ttyUSB0 | nc -u 14556
Do not execute these yet, as you will need to compile and lunch the simualation first : Open a third terminal and go to the PX4 source code
cd ~/src/Firmware
make -j(#number_of_computer_cores) posix_sitl_default jmavsim
If compiled succefully, a NuttxShell must spawn:
commander arm
commander disarm
Repeat untill you recieve the current home position, then :
param show SYS_COMPANION
param set SYS_COMPANION 57600
to correctly set the baud rate.
The simulated drone is ready now to recieve commands.
Make sure you are able to compile and flash the STM32F4-discovery (follow testing the interface) Then execute the commands in the terminals in the following orders : (2) then (1)
Usually the simulated drone will react and behave exactly as a real drone.
This will test the the PC version of the program without any cables, on the virtual drone.
Open 3 terminals : Type :
In the (1)st terminal :
nc -l -u -p 14540 | tee /dev/pts/(n+1) > /dev/null
In the (2)nd terminal :
socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0
In the (3)rd terminal :
cat < /dev/pts/(n+1) | nc -u 14556
Execute these in the following order : (2) (3) (1) Usualy, when you execute the (2) command, socat will open 2 virtual ports : ex :
2016/05/27 17:44:53 socat[24892] N PTY is /dev/pts/12
2016/05/27 17:44:53 socat[24892] N PTY is /dev/pts/13
2016/05/27 17:44:53 socat[24892] N starting data transfer loop with FDs[3,3]
and [5,5]
Here, n = 12, n+1 = 13
Things to change before launching the main program :
- in inc/serial_port.h , change #define RS232_DEVICE to "/dev/pts/n"
Then compile and execute :
make -f makefile.pc
WARNING : You need to configure the drone correctly with qgroundcontrol before doing this, or it will NOT react.
Here, you don't need any netcat connection, just plug a serial port connection from Telem 2 (on the pixhawk) to the GPIO Pins D8, D9 and GND on the STM32F4-discovery (after flashing it) (using a telemetry radio is being worked on, but it's feasable)
Connect the STM32F4-discovery to power then select the sequence to be executed in commands () functions in mavlink_control.cpp
Flash the program :
st-flash erase v2 0x8000000
make -j4 flash
Remove the power cable.
Connect the telemetry link to the STM32F4 to D8, D9 and GND ports, and reconnect the power cable.
git clone https://github.com/MHageH/c_uart_interface.git
cd c_uart_interface
make -j4 makefile.pc
git checkout Beta
git pull origin Beta
Connect the STM32F4-discovery now, then:
make flash
It should work by now
To better understand the inner working of such application, as well as a fast way to start programming it, function call graphs can be automatically generated :
make graph
Requirements :