SmartLibrary is GUI, engine and dbase for books, movies, and music with barcode reader in python.
Required packeges for Smart Library to work:
python (apt-get install python zbar library for python (barcode reader; apt-get install python-zbar || pip zbar) peewee library for python (creating classes for db tables etc.; pip install peeweee) MySQLdb library for python (connection to mysql database) Mysql datbase (apt-get install mysql-server) PyGTK GUI interface I will try to include this installation in the script
Open and change the varables for the mysql database (usr, password, location...)
class DbConn:
ip = "localhost"
usr = "mf"
pwd = "******"
name = "librarydb"
Run the following command:
$ -c
to create database and tables Run (it's a small program to add and print the books in terminal
Backand that works on windows Python ||&& php GUI Python gui is in Movie and music database
- Matej Ferenc ([email protected])
*Have fun and read more books :)