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!!!!!!!!!!!! Readme should be updated because it is relevant to version 1.0.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!
This repo contains Pure WebSocket library for blazor.
Helper is available on nuget
For install use command - Install-Package BlazorWebSocketHelper
After installing package please add bellow script to your index.html
<script src="_content/BlazorWebSocketHelper/BwsJsInterop.js"></script>
You can use websocket in blazor easy and convenient way using this library.
Usage sample:
<div style="margin:5px">
<button class="btn btn-primary" style="width:120px;margin:5px" onclick="@WsConnect">@Ws_Button</button>
<span style="margin:5px">URL</span>
<input bind="@Ws_URL" style="margin:5px;width:250px" />
<span style="width:120px;margin:5px">status:@Ws_Status</span>
<button class="btn btn-primary" style="margin:5px" onclick="@WsGetStatus">Get status</button>
<br />
<div style="margin:5px">
<input style="margin:5px;width:250px" bind="@Ws_Message" />
<button class="btn btn-primary" style="margin:5px" onclick="@WsSendMessage">Send</button>
<br />
<span style="margin:5px">Log:</span>
<br />
@foreach (var item in WebSocketHelper1.Log)
<br />
<CompMessage bwsMessage="@item" parent="@this" />
<br />
public string Ws_URL = "wss://echo.websocket.org";
protected WebSocketHelper WebSocketHelper1;
public void WsConnect()
WebSocketHelper1 = new WebSocketHelper(Ws_URL);
WebSocketHelper1.OnStateChange = WsOnStateChange;
WebSocketHelper1.OnMessage = WsOnMessage;
WebSocketHelper1.OnError = WsOnError;
public void WsOnStateChange(short par_state)
Ws_Status = WebSocketHelper1.bwsState.ToString();
public void WsOnError(string par_error)
public void WsOnMessage(string par_message)
public void WsSendMessage()
if (WebSocketHelper1.bwsState == BwsEnums.BwsState.Open)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ws_Message))
Ws_Message = string.Empty;
BwsJsInterop.Alert("Please input message");
BwsJsInterop.Alert("Connection is closed");
For example this helper was used here
You can see code here
Any PRs are welcome.