Three-Dxf-TS takes dxf objects produced from Dxf-Parser and convertes them to three.js objects.
Successfully tested with the following libraries:
- "@dxfom/mtext": "^0.3.2"
- "dxf-parser": "^1.1.2"
- "three": "^0.148.0"
- "troika-three-text": "^0.47.1"
To work with troika-three-text, which does not have type support, place devs.d.ts in the same folder as index.ts.
// See dxf_to_three.ts for more details
const object3Ds = dxfToThreeObject3Ds(dxf, settings);
- Most LW entities (lines, polylines, circles, etc)
- Layers
- Simple Text
- Splines
- Ellipses
- Text and MText (Basic multiline support available in v1.3.0 but not all formatting is supported)
Does not yet support:
- Attributes
- 3DSolids
- All types of Leaders
- other less common objects and entities.