"Monjid" car renting system
android mobile application developed using java with basic CRUD operations and recycler view
the user can add, delete, rent, and return a car
as a user I want to be able to:
- add car so that the other users can view and rent it.
- delete My car so that other users can not view or rent it.
- view the car so that I can check the car information such as type, price, and other information.
- rent a car so that other users cannot rent it.
- return my rented car so that other users can rent it.
- sign up so that I can access the application.
- log in so that I can access my account.
- log out from the system.
1 SIGN UP button transfer the user to signup page
2 LOG IN button transfer the user to login page
1 Input filed for User Name
2 Input filed for Password
3 LOG IN button transfer the user to main page
1 Input filed for User Name
2 Input filed for Password
3 Input filed for Email
4 Input filed for Phone number
5 SIGN UP button transfer the user to main page
6 Button transfer the user to login page
1 More Button to direct the user to more page
2 Add Button to direct the user to add car page
3 Image and name of the car that direct the user to view page of the specific car page if it clicked
1 Button to direct the user to the previse page “mine page”
2 Car image
3 All car information (name, number of passengers, type, daily price)
4 RENT Button that rents the car then direct the user to the Rent conf page
1 TextView that contains message to the user after he rent a car
2 Home button that directs the user to main page
1 Button to direct the user to the previse page “main page”
2 Input field to car name
3 Input field to number of passengers
4 Input field to car type
5 Input field to car daily price
6 ImageView that the user can click and upload image
7 Button to add the car
1 Button to direct the user to the previse page “mine page”
2 The username
3 Button to logout
4 When clicking on "MY CARS", the user will be directed to the "My Cars page ", which contains all his cars
5 When clicking on "MY RENTAL CARS", the user will be directed to the "My Rental Cars page ", which contains all his rental cars
1 Button to direct the user to the previse page “more page”
2 Car name and image
3 button to delete the car
4 When "CANCEL" is clicked, it will not complete the car delete process
5 When "YES" is clicked it will delete the car
1 Button to direct the user to the previse page “more page”
2 Car name and image
3 button to cancel the rental and return the car
4 When "CANCL" is clicked, it will not complete the car return process
5 When "YES" is clicked it will stop the rental and return the car