Welcome to my portfolio. Here you will be able to find the most updated projects that I worked on, and the experience with the languages and framework that I used.
This portfolio app was built as a single page with the lovely library ReactJS, and I beautified it with Styled Component. Additionally, I used React icon to add these icons. If you have any feedback, they are more than welcome, and it can be sent to me directly to My Email
If you think I did a great job, leave me a star on this repo; I will appreciate it. This Portfolio was built with:
- ReactJS
- Styled Coponent
- React Icon
- React Scroll
This app aims to showcase all my projects and experience as I grow as a Software Engineer.
This app is built as a single page; users can navigate through the page by clicking the Nav menu, where it has the function to scroll to the specific component; the app is also mobile-friendly.
Dependencies I used to build this portfolio app was:
- React Scroll
- React Icons
- Styled Components
- React Router Dom
This portfolio app was deployed using the friendly Netlify and GitHub.