Version 0.4: The Force Feedback Update
Release v0.4:
- Force Feedback Haptics
- Automatic Pose Calibration
- Alphabetic Encoding Manager
- Menu Button
Changes and Fixes:
- Controller discovery done through overlay
- More reliable Vive wand discovery
- Settings will now not reset between updates
- Fix issues with Bluetooth not working on some machines
- Fix bug with pose settings caused by unit conversions
- Fix bug with playspace calibrator caused by lighthouse tracking name
The driver has been released onto Steam!
The release is also available on github, though we thoroughly recommend everyone to use the Steam releases to receive automatic updates and a UI for configuration!
IMPORTANT: If you've already installed the driver via GitHub, make sure to delete it if you are installing via steam.
Github installation:
Extract the correct folder (not source code), and put the folder into the Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers folder.
Change the default.vrsettings file in lucidgloves\resources\settings to match your hardware. (see wiki)