Telegram bot that allows you to moderate a group chat and send notifications about new YouTube videos to it.
- Sending reports along with comments from a member chat
- Displaying informational messages (such as rules and available bot commands)
- Attracting the attention of admins
- Opportunities for admins to issue bans and mutes to members
- Setting Rules and Welcome Message
- Collection of reports in the admin chat
Clone the repository and go to the directory:
git clone && cd xBot
Install required dependencies:
poetry install
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
On GNU/Linux, usually the latest version of Python is run with commands such as:
Get all the credentials you need, open the new .env
file and fill in the empty environment variables as from template .env.example
# General
# Telegram
MAIN_CHAT=<main-chat-id> # The main chat, where there will be moderation, members and the arrival of notifications about new videos
ADMIN_CHAT=<admin-chat-id> # Admin chat where reports will be sent. Through this chat rules and greetings are sets
# YouTube
GOOGLE_API_KEY=<api-key> # How to get a key learn here
CHANNEL_NAME=<channel-name> # YouTube channel name
CHANNEL_URL=<channel-url> # YouTube channel url
CHANNEL_ID=<channel-id> # YouTube channel ID
UPDATE_INTERVAL=25 # Update interval for new videos in minutes
# Information files
Launch the bot via:
poetry run python
After launch, it is recommended to set the rules and welcome message via the admin chat using these commands:
/setrules rules text - set rules (formatting allowed)
/setwelcome welcome text - set welcome message (formatting allowed)
Other commands for main chat:
/rules - display rules
/help - display available commands
/report [comment up to 100 characters] - send a complaint about the user (a response message is required)
/attention - attract the attention of admins (optionally with a response message)
/mute [1h - hour, 1d - day, 1w - week] - Mute the user (needs a response message, only for admins)
/ban - Issue a ban to the user (a response message is required, only for admins)
If you have any problems while installing, configuring or launching bot, you can create a new issue on GitHub or write to Telegram @Loureas with a detailed problem.
You can help improve the bot or translate it. Publish changes in Pull Request or Telegram @Loureas. All changes will be reviewed.