SpawnDev.BlazorJS.PixiJS brings the amazing PixiJS library to Blazor WebAssembly.
The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer in Blazor WebAssembly.
Add the Nuget package SpawnDev.BlazorJS.PixiJS
to your project using your package manager of choice.
Modify the Blazor WASM Program.cs
to initialize SpawnDev.BlazorJS for Javascript interop.
Example Program.cs
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using SpawnDev.BlazorJS;
using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.PixiJS;
using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.PixiJS.Demo;
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
// Add SpawnDev.BlazorJS interop
// Load the PixiJS Javascript library. Can be called in a component instead if desired, or loaded using a <script> tag in the index.html
await PixiJS.Init();
// Run app using BlazorJSRunAsync extension method
await builder.Build().BlazorJSRunAsync();
Source: Basic Container Example
@page "/examples/basic/container"
@using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.JSObjects
@using static SpawnDev.BlazorJS.PixiJS.PIXI
@using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.JsonConverters
@implements IDisposable
Source: <a href="">Basic Container Example</a>
<div style="width: 400px; height: 400px;" @ref="containerElRef"></div>
@code {
BlazorJSRuntime JS { get; set; }
ElementReference? containerElRef = null;
Application? app = null;
Container? container = null;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await Init();
async Task Init()
using var document = JS.GetDocument<Document>();
// Create a new application
app = new Application();
// Initialize the application
await app.Init(new ApplicationOptions { Background = "#1099bb", ResizeTo = containerElRef });
// Append the application canvas to the document body
using var htmlElement = new HTMLElement(containerElRef!.Value);
// Create and add a container to the stage
container = new Container();
using var stage = app.Stage;
// Load the bunny texture
using var texture = await Assets.Load<Texture>("");
// Create a 5x5 grid of bunnies in the container
for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
using var bunny = new Sprite(texture);
bunny.X = (i % 5f) * 40f;
bunny.Y = (float)Math.Floor(i / 5f) * 40f;
// Move the container to the center
container.X = app.Screen.Width / 2;
container.Y = app.Screen.Height / 2;
// Center the bunny sprites in local container coordinates
container.Pivot.X = container.Width / 2;
container.Pivot.Y = container.Height / 2;
// Listen for animate update
using var ticker = app.Ticker;
void Tick(Ticker time)
// Continuously rotate the container!
// * use delta to create frame-independent transform *
container!.Rotation -= 0.01f * time.DeltaTime;
public void Dispose()
if (app != null)
using var ticker = app.Ticker;