Java fullstack developer
Undertook a 2-year Java Developer fullstack program @IT-Högskolan
Currently working @MobilityGuard
How to reach me: [email protected]
- Maven, Java/Jakarta EE, Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus, JMS/RabbitMQ, JavaFX, Swing, Hibernate, JUnit5/Mockito/AssertJ testing
- MySQL, JDBC/JPA, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, MariaDB, LDAP/AD
- OpenID, Keycloak, OpenSSL, ACL
- HTML, CSS, Javascript, Vue, React, Node, Express, Redux, Pinia, JWT, Three JS, CSS Frameworks (Tailwind, Bootstrap, MaterialUI)
- Console commands, GitHub, Jenkins/Github Actions, Bitbucket, GitLab
- Docker, Docker compose, Kubernetes, GraalVM
- RESTful API, Microservices, Consul/Vault
- AWS, Serverless
- IntelliJ, MySQL workbench, Visual Studio Code
- TDD, MVC, CI & CD pipelines, Github actions & Projects, Agile methods, Scrum, Trello
- Figma Wireframes, UML & ER Modeling
- Linux (PopOS!, Gnome, Ubuntu), Windows, MacOS
- C#
- Excel
- Major interest in PC hardware and software
- Problem solving, creative solutions and out-of-the-box thinking
- Music, singing and other creative pursuits
- Team player, willing and eager to learn
- Winner of Nexer Group's prestigious "how much does that jar of coffee beans weigh?" competition (won a brand new keyboard!) ;)
Class project in Java tools & Build environments course: Storm
- A simple webserver implementation where we practiced using a CI pipeline
Final group project in Spring Boot for our Java EE/Spring boot course: CrimeDatabase
- A project following a CI pipeline, where we created a Crime database using Spring boot. With basic security and frontend in Thymeleaf. Feel free to explore our issues, pull requests,, project roadmap and published releases.
Final class project in our Web Services course, exploring microservices and how they connect/interact: Image-Storage Service
- Each group designed a specific microservice for a Twittter/Facebook-clone backend. Our responsibility was to create an Image service that could be used to upload, download and store images. Each service should also work independently and use server side configuration (in our case using Consul Key/Value).
- We also created a Gateway Service to be used as an entrypoint and loadbalancer in front of the other services.
- Please see README on each of these services for more information.
Final group project in our Agile and Web application courses, working professionally using the Agile software development approach with Scrum: Paefax Project Organisation
- The purpose of this project was to create a Quiz learning app following the Agile approach as close to reality as possible with our teacher Kevin being our customer and product owner, using a scrum approach with sprints and a agile workspace board.
- We decided to make a language quiz app inspired by Duolingo using Vue Composition API for frontend and Node express for backend, with a SQLite database.
- Vue frontend repository: Paefax Language App
- Node backend repository: Paefax Language Backend
- Agile board: Trello board
- Please see README of any repository for the other group members and their GitHub links
Looking for Part-time Work during my studies!