In summary, this code is a Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) script. It will purchase a specified cryptocurrency set with your Binance account whenever you run it.
You will need to add the following config variables to your config.json
file to run this project.
Parameter | Type | Description |
keys | object | Your API keys gotten from Binance. See the Create API guide to learn how to get them. |
keys.api | string | Your Binance API key |
keys.secret | string | Your Binance SECRET key |
coins | object | A key-value pair of coins the script should purchase and their allotted percentages of the total balance, e.g., "BTC": 20 means 20% of the total balance should be used to buy $BTC |
quote_asset | string | The quote asset to purchase the coins with, e.g., USDT means all the trades will be executed on {{coin}}/USDT market pairs |
amount | number | The total balance the script should spend on purchases, e.g., 1000 means the script should make all its purchases with $1000 |
fee | number | A percentage value to account for Binance trading fees, e.g., 0.15 means the script should purchase an additional 0.15% of the intended amount, so fees are deducted from the extras |
testing | boolean | An indicator of whether to run the script in testing mode or not. The script will only use real money when the value is set to false |
Keep your Binance API keys safe at all costs. Any third party can use them to operate your account.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd binance-dca
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the script
For support, please send me a message on Twitter ~ @LordGhostX