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devlog#01 Nuxt3 server routes

ShinProg (Logan Tann) edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 3 revisions

If you consider VueJs as intuitive, have a look at Nuxt 3 ! While you can benefit from server side rendering, a lot of features have been added to simplfy your development process.

I once used the 2nd version of Nuxt for my uni student council's website and it was great. However, I can confirm that new version of Nuxt is a game changer.

The most amazing feature for me is the server routes. It allows creating an API using nuxt's routing features, which allows you to avoid managing a second server for your back-end. Perfect if you have a not-so-big monolithic project.

Registering server routes (endpoints)

Directory structure of a server routes
  • Nuxt automatically scans files inside the @/server/api directory.
  • Each files will be registered automatically as routes. Typescript .ts is supported out of the box.
  • To add a request parameter, surround your [parameter] with brackets.
  • Suffix your file with .get, .post... to match request's HTTP Method. Pretty intuitive.

I cannot explain all the features of automatic routing in this log, so have a look at Nuxt3's documentation.

Basic example

Code Result
 * This route just shows hello
 * @file /server/api/articleContent/index.ts
export default defineHandler((event: IncomingMessage) => {
    return "Hello world!";

GET /api/articleContent/

result : 200 Hello World

Concrete example

Code Result
import { articleExists, saveArticle } from "@/server/helpers/articles";

 * This route updates an article
 * @file articleContent/[id].put.ts
export default defineHandler(async (event: IncomingMessage) => {
    // get request parameters with event.context.params
    const articleId =;
    // get request body as JS object with useBody (auto-imported)
    const body = await useBody(event);

    // return HTTP errors by throwing createError(statusCode, statusMessage)
    if (!articleExists(articleId)) {
        throw createError({ statusCode: 404, statusMessage: `Article ${articleId} not found` });
    await saveArticle(body);

    // you can directly a JS object that will be serialized.
    return {
        status: "success",
        message: `Updated article ${articleId}`,

PUT /api/articleContent/1 (where 1 is an existing article)


PUT /api/articleContent/99 (where 99 is an article that does not exists)
