ATS is a system to digitise the services offered by an airport terminal, for both both passengers and employees.
Check out ATS hosted project
Developed for: Airports Authority of India by AAI Interns 2017
To run this project you need to install these packages/dependencies in your virtual environment(preferrably):
Python 3
Django v1.11
pip install Pillow
Django Crispy forms
pip install django-crispy-forms
Django datetime widget
pip install django-datetime-widget
MySQL client
pip install mysqlclient
Also, to run locally you need to have a file "" in the following directory: src/ats/settings/ having the following code:
# This file is gitignored to keep production and local settings seprate
import os
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
DEBUG = True
- Install/satify the above mentioned dependencies, including creating "" file
- Make migrations, and migrate
Name your branches in the pattern
your_module_name - branch_name
Base HTML files are put in
And they can be used like:
Place your template files in
And then in your views refer to them as:
Extend your HTML template from base.html:{% extends 'common/base.html' %}
as first statement in your template and write your{% block content %}
Base static files (css,javascript,images) are placed in eg.
And then in your template refer to them as:
{% static 'js/common/base.js' %}
{% static 'css/common/base.css' %}
{% static 'images/common/base.jpg' %}
Place your static files (css,javascript,images) in
And then in your template refer to them as:
{% static 'js/your-module-name/your-file.js' %}
within{% block script %}
{% static 'css/your-module-name/your-file.css' %}
within{% block style %}
{% static 'images/your-module-name/your-image.jpg' %}
also load static files at the top of your template, like so:
{% load staticfiles %}
below the{% extends 'common/base.html' %}
- If you're facing problems in making migrations after make changes to models or after pulling from GitHub, delete all files in migrations folder in your app, except
, and then tru to make migrations again. You can also try doing this and also deleting the database and then try making migrations, and migrate.
Want to contribute? Great! Fork me!
If collaborator: Please edit this readme for adding any more important instructions
last uplated: 29 July 2017