v1.0.0 Updates to Pyleoclim APIs + New functionalities
This version of the tutorials support v1.0.0 and above of Pyleoclim, including the removal of the LiPD
class from Pyleoclim and the integration with PyLiPD. New tutorials were added for functionalities in outlier detections, working with ensembles, PCA and SSA analyses.
What's Changed
- added example of loading a pre-loaded dataset by @CommonClimate in #42
- Tutorial of LOF implementation for outlier detection using Kmeans by @Aragath in #43
- New Surrogate series tutorial by @CommonClimate in #51
- Make formatting consistent and remove references to the LiPD class by @khider in #49
- Upgrades and upkeep by @CommonClimate in #55
- updated wavelet tutorial by @CommonClimate in #60
- minor updates and cosmetic fixes to spectral notebook by @CommonClimate in #61
- Fix pylipd and query functionalities in all notebooks by @khider in #62
- Change link to the Python Tutorials to LeapFROGS by @khider in #59
- working with age ensembles by @khider in #63
- Update L2_spectral_analysis.ipynb by @CommonClimate in #64
- update no conflict branch by @alexkjames in #66
- update pca nb by @alexkjames in #67
- mcpca + stackplot for pca nb by @alexkjames in #69
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v1.0.0