This package is a Julia wrapper around AutoHOOT, a Python-based automatic differentiation framework targeting high-order optimization for large scale tensor computations.
- Clone AutoHOOT locally, for example:
git clone ~/software/AutoHOOT
- Install the local AutoHOOT Python package you just cloned (you will need to have Python installed on your system):
pip install -e ~/software/AutoHOOT
- Open up Julia (first download it if you don't already have it), install PyCall, tell it to use the desired version of Python in your path, and then build PyCall to use that version of Python:
julia> ENV["PYTHON"] = "python" # Or specify a path to your local version of Python
julia> using Pkg
- Install AutoHOOT.jl:
julia> Pkg.add("")
Now you should be able to start using AutoHOOT:
julia> using AutoHOOT
julia> const ad = AutoHOOT.autodiff
julia> const gops = AutoHOOT.graphops
julia> A = ad.Variable(name = "A", shape = [2, 2])
PyObject A
julia> out = ad.einsum("ab,bc->ac", A, ad.einsum("ab,bc->ac", ad.identity(2), ad.identity(2)))
PyObject T.einsum('ab,bc->ac',A,T.einsum('ab,bc->ac',T.identity(2),T.identity(2)))
julia> out_simplified = gops.simplify(out)
[2021-06-04 10:08:34,420] Start fusing einsum
[2021-06-04 10:08:34,420] Generated new subscript: ab,bd,dc->ac
[2021-06-04 10:08:34,421] Rewrite to new subscript: ab->ab
[2021-06-04 10:08:34,421] Start fusing einsum
[2021-06-04 10:08:34,421] Generated new subscript: ab->ab
PyObject A
To disable AutoHOOT loggings, run
Here is an example of generating optimal sequences of einsum expressions for the gradients of a network contraction with respect to each tensor in the network:
using AutoHOOT
const ad = AutoHOOT.autodiff
const go = AutoHOOT.graphops
x1 = ad.Variable(name = "x1", shape = [2, 3])
x2 = ad.Variable(name = "x2", shape = [3, 4])
x3 = ad.Variable(name = "x3", shape = [4, 5])
x4 = ad.Variable(name = "x4", shape = [5, 6])
x5 = ad.Variable(name = "x5", shape = [6, 2])
println("\nTensor shapes we want to contract:")
@show [x1.shape, x2.shape, x3.shape, x4.shape, x5.shape]
ein = ad.einsum("ij,jk,kl,lm,mi->", x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
println("\nOriginal einsum expression for the contraction we want to take the gradient of:")
@show ein
ein_opt = go.optimize(ein)
println("\nOptimized contraction sequence:")
@show ein_opt
ein_grads = ad.gradients(ein_opt, [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5])
println("\nEinsum expressions for computing the gradients:")
ein_grads_cache = ad.find_topo_sort(ein_grads)
println("\nEinsum expressions for computing the gradients with caching:")
which outputs:
Tensor shapes we want to contract:
[x1.shape, x2.shape, x3.shape, x4.shape, x5.shape] = [[2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 2]]
Original einsum expression for the contraction we want to take the gradient of:
ein = PyObject T.einsum('ij,jk,kl,lm,mi->',x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
Optimized contraction sequence:
ein_opt = PyObject T.einsum('ab,ab->',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3),x2),x1)
Einsum expressions for computing the gradients:
5-element Vector{PyCall.PyObject}:
PyObject T.einsum('ab,->ab',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3),x2),1.0)
PyObject T.einsum('ac,ab->bc',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3),T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))
PyObject T.einsum('ac,ab->bc',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0)))
PyObject T.einsum('ca,ab->bc',x5,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x3,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))))
PyObject T.einsum('bc,ab->ca',x4,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x3,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))))
Einsum expressions for computing the gradients with caching:
17-element Vector{PyCall.PyObject}:
PyObject x4
PyObject x5
PyObject T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5)
PyObject x3
PyObject T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3)
PyObject x2
PyObject T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3),x2)
PyObject 1.0
PyObject T.einsum('ab,->ab',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3),x2),1.0)
PyObject x1
PyObject T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0)
PyObject T.einsum('ac,ab->bc',T.einsum('ab,cb->ac',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),x3),T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))
PyObject T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))
PyObject T.einsum('ac,ab->bc',T.einsum('bc,ca->ab',x4,x5),T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0)))
PyObject T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x3,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0)))
PyObject T.einsum('ca,ab->bc',x5,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x3,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))))
PyObject T.einsum('bc,ab->ca',x4,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x3,T.einsum('bc,ab->ac',x2,T.einsum('ab,->ab',x1,1.0))))