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Kotlin DSL wrapper around Reveal JS presentation library


Run server with presentation:

jbang [email protected] run ./MyAwesomePresentation.reveal.kts

Bundle presentation to static html site:

jbang [email protected] bundle ./MyAwesomePresentation.reveal.kts

Render presentation to pdf via playwright:

jbang [email protected] pdf ./MyAwesomePresentation.reveal.kts -o myPresentation.pdf


For now playwright requires to download chromium first (uses npm)

Playwright documentation:

jbang [email protected] chrome install

Uninstall chrome

jbang [email protected] chrome uninstall

Create new presentation from template

jbang [email protected] init my-awesome-presentation
cd ./my-awesome-presentation
jbang [email protected] run ./presentation/my-awesome-presentation.reveal.kts

Add alias for revealkt

jbang app install [email protected]
revealkt run ./presentation/my-awesome-presentation.reveal.kts



import qrcode.color.Colors

title = "My awesome presentation"

configuration {
    controls = false
    progress = false

slides {
    regularSlide {
        autoanimate = true
        +title { "Hello from my awesome presentation" }
    regularSlide {
        autoanimate = true
        +qrCode("") {
            stretch = true
            transformBuilder {
                val logo = loadAsset("logo2.png")
                it.withSize(20).withColor(Colors.css("#B125EA")).withLogo(logo, 150, 150, clearLogoArea = true)
    verticalSlide {
        val title = Title { "Some text" }
        slide {
            autoanimate = true
            +note {
                "Some note"
        slide {
            autoanimate = true
            +title { "Updated text" }
            +note {
                "Some note"
        slide {
            autoanimate = true
            +code {
                    "string": "some string"
        slide {
            +img(src = "image.png") {
                stretch = true