App for scanning the New York Times and creating collections of articles based on specific topics of interest.
- Lisa LaRochelle | lilaro
- Dan Romans | dangrammer
- CSS3
- ES6 JavaScript
- React ^16.11.0
- React-Dom ^16.11.0
- React-Router ^5.1.2
- React-Router-Dom ^5.1.2
- React-Bootstrap ^1.0.0-beta.14
- React-Scripts ^3.2.0
- Bootstrap ^4.3.1
Link to walkthrough video with narration:
Add, Edit, and Delete Collection
Add and Edit Articles and Notes
- install and run the topical backend
- fork (optional) then clone or download this repository to your local machine
- navigate to Topical-frontend in terminal
- run npm install (or npm i) in terminal to install necessary dependencies
- run npm start in terminal to launch the app in browser
*Note: If server is already running, it will be running on http://localhost:3000/. After running npm start, follow prompt and enter y in terminal to run frontend on alternate