A differnet way to play Magiclysm. Instead of reading books, gain spells and spell levels when you level up, in much the same way as Bombasticperks. Each level, you can nearn a limited number of spells. Your caster level is determined by your sorcerer level and is boosted by your intelligence; (int/2)-3, so +0 at 6, +1 at 8, +2 at 10, and so on. You are not limited to what spells you can pick by classes. You may pick a bloodline that alters how the class works. For example, the spelldancer gets increased caster level from their effective dodge, rather than from intelligence.
Please note that the code inside the folder generated_code is auto generated and should not be edited manually. Instead, use the python script in tools. You might have to adjust the paths used before you run them. generated_code/spell_data_dump.txt contains data for all spells found and generated. You can copy that data into tools/spell_data-txt to edit properties of spells, disable spells, register sorcerer-specific spells, or manually alter the spell level of the spell.