This middleware for alt.js allows you to display dispatches and state changes in the console. It should only be used during development.
npm i -D alt-logger
import Alt from 'alt';
import createLogger from 'alt-logger';
export default createLogger(new Alt());
At the moment it's not possibly to add a custom dispatcher to alt, because it would override the DebugDispatcher.
collapsed: true, // Defines if the log group should be collapsed or not
colors: {
title: '#2ecc71',
prevState: '#3498db',
action: '#2ecc71',
nextState: '#3498db'
}, // Object with the log colors.
timestamp: true, // Print the timestamp with the action name
transformState: state => state, // Transform state before print.
transformAction action => ({
'payload': action.payload,
'type': action.type,
}), // Transform action before print.
predicate: undefined // If specified this function will be called before each action is processed with this middleware. If false is returned the log process is interrupted.
import Alt from 'alt';
import createLogger from 'alt-logger';
const alt = new Alt();
export default (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') ? createLogger(alt) : alt;
createLogger(alt, {
collapsed: (action) => action.type !== USER_ACTION
createLogger(alt, {
predicate: (action) => action.type === USER_ACTION