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Implementation for paper "Synthesized 7T MRI from 3T MRI via deep learning in spatial and wavelet domains" in Medical Image Analysis


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Note (brief introduction of WATNet)

This is a reference implementation for paper "Synthesizing 7T from 3T MRI via Deep Learning in Spatial and Wavelet Domains" (caffe implementation). In this paper, we introduce a novel deep learning network that fuses complementary information from spatial and wavelet domains to synthesize 7T T1-weighted images from their 3T counterparts.

The code has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), using Caffe, Titan X GPU and on MATLAB 2018b.

Code is provided by Liangqiong Qu on 2019/08/16)


Getting Started and Usage


  • Pre-processing of the dataset (including min-max normalization, histogram matching, and data augmentation) Run WATNet/matlab/demo/demo_processing_hdf5_for_train.m
  • Note that this demo also contains instruction for preparing hdf5 file. Step 3 is not required when testing

Train a model

  • Step 1: Preparing hdf5 file for Data processing Run WATNet/matlab/demo/demo_processing_hdf5_for_train.m
  • Step 2: cd to folder WATNet/examples/MRI/ % please change the files in AF_encod_3layer_decod_3input.prototxt to your own prepared hdf5 files Run bash
  • Important in step 2: Make sure changing the root in AF_encod_3layer_decod_3input.prototxt to your own prepared hdf5 root

Test a pre-trained model:

Run WATNet/matlab/demo/test_AF_encod_3layer_decod_3input.m

Useful notes for train/test

  • Pre-trained models and protoxt files for model definition are saved in folder WATNet/examples/MRI/
  • WATNet was trained with the image patches extracted from 3T and 7T images. The patch size was 64 × 64 × 3 (or lager size for better performance), covering 3 consecutive axial slices to promote inter-slice continuity
  • Train with crop size 64×64×3, and then finetune on size 128×128×3 or even more lager size help produce better performance
  • Test code are saved in folder "WATNet/matlab/demo"
  • Initial results are saved in folder "WATNet/matlab/demo/Final_result/", you can use these results for comparisons


Implementation for paper "Synthesized 7T MRI from 3T MRI via deep learning in spatial and wavelet domains" in Medical Image Analysis







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