Simple React boilerplate taking advantages of Parcel strengths. Include some commons packages use for React.js developement.
- Parcel
(run and build your code, bundles size analyze, compiler, instant feedback, etc. see : - React.js
- Commons React libraries (react-router-dom, prop-types, styled-components)
- CSS flexibility (Reset + Normalize.css, autoprefixer, use css, sass or styled-components).
- babel
- prettier
- Tests (Jest with testing-library)
- Very basic folders structure bootstrapped.
Chose a folder and create your application :
npx react-parcel-app app-name
Starts up the development server on http://localhost:3000 :
npm start
Creates a production-ready bundles with a /build folder :
npm run build
You can find an analyze of your bundles size in ./parcel-bundle-reports.
Clean up ALL your files located at /src/ with prettify (feel free to modify the prettier config and the scope of the script) :
npm run prettify
Tests are located in ./src/__tests__
They are written with Jest and testing-library.
You can change the config with the jest.config.js and setupTest.js files.
The current script command to launch tests is :
npm test
You need Node + npm and npx need npm 5.2+ and higher, those are the only requirements.
I use the parcel V2 version so some untracked bugs might be related to the new beta version.
Let me know if you encounter any problem as well as if you have feedbacks, you're welcome.