A property list editor for macOS, similar to the one implemented in Xcode, but with several quality of life additions, such as a visual date/time picker and a full hex editor for data objects.
The framework has full support for macOS light and dark appearance.
By implementing the LNPropertyListEditorDataTransformer
protocol, you can significantly augment the way property list data is presented in the editor and represented on-disk.
Swift Package Manager is the recommended way to integrate LNPropertyListEditor in your project.
LNPropertyListEditor supports SPM versions 5.1.0 and above. To use SPM, you should use Xcode 11 to open your project. Click File
-> Swift Packages
-> Add Package Dependency
, enter https://github.com/LeoNatan/LNPropertyListEditor
. Select the version you’d like to use.
You can also manually add the package to your Package.swift file:
.package(url: "https://github.com/LeoNatan/LNPropertyListEditor.git", from: "1.0")
And the dependency in your target:
.target(name: "BestExampleApp", dependencies: ["LNPropertyListEditor"]),
Add the following to your Cartfile:
github "LeoNatan/LNPropertyListEditor"
Make sure you follow the Carthage integration instructions here.
Drag the LNPropertyListEditor.xcodeproj
project to your project, and add LNPropertyListEditor.framework
to Embedded Binaries in your project target's General tab. Xcode should sort everything else on its own.
CocoaPods is not supported. There are many reasons for this. Instead of CocoaPods, use Carthage. You can continue using CocoaPods for for your other dependencies and Carthage for LNPropertyListEditor
While the framework is written in Objective C, it uses modern Objective C syntax, so using the framework in Swift should be very easy and intuitive.
Import the module in your project:
@import LNPropertyListEditor;
Either using Interface Builder or in code, add an LNPropertyListEditor
view to your user interface.
To set a represented object, set the propertyList
guard let propertyListURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Some", withExtension: "plist"),
let propertyListData = try? Data(contentsOf: propertyListURL),
let propertyListObject = try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: propertyListData, options: [], format: nil) as? [String: AnyObject] else {
plistEditor.propertyListObject = propertyListObject
Supported object types: Dictionaries, arrays, strings, dates, datas, booleans and numbers (dictionaries and arrays can contains nested children of the aforementioned types).
Implement the LNPropertyListEditorDelegate
protocol to listen to various events, or control what aspects of the property list can be edited.
plistEditor.delegate = self
func propertyListEditor(_ editor: LNPropertyListEditor, didChange node: LNPropertyListNode, changeType: LNPropertyListNodeChangeType, previousKey: String?) {
switch changeType {
case .insert:
case .move:
case .update:
case .delete:
@unknown default:
For full documentation, see the LNPropertyListEditor.h
Implement the LNPropertyListEditorDataTransformer
protocol to provide display and data transformations for your property list objects.
plistEditor.dataTransformer = self
func propertyListEditor(_ editor: LNPropertyListEditor, displayNameFor node: LNPropertyListNode) -> String? {
// ...
if let key = node.key,
key == "CFBundleShortVersionString" {
return "Bundle version string (short)"
For full documentation, see the LNPropertyListEditor.h
The framework uses:
- HexFiend © ridiculous_fish, 2011-2020