This Library includes an injector. To inject a service the user needs to mark a class as being injectable.
export class ExampleClass {
sayHello() {
In the consumer class if we want to use this class we can inject it.
export class ConsumerClass {
private _example!: ExampleClass;
sayHello() {
This will inject the instance of the ExampleClass into the _example variable. It uses the same instance (singleton) for every consumer of this service.
Although it is not being used right now, the injector keeps a list a list of the consumers of a certain service in a form of a map. Map<Service, Array<Consumers>>
This API uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, and as such we use controllers to create and use the business logic. We use typescript decorators to register all the routes in express. To create a controller we need to annotate the class with the controller decorator and give it a path as such:
export class ControllerExample extends BaseController {
// Routes Go Here
getExample(req : Request) {
return "hello";
This will register all methods in this controller on the route localhost:4000/api/example/
Note: The view part of the MVC is not present in this API, the view can be a react or angular app for example.
@Middleware((req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
// Code here
public async getUsers(req: Request) {
return "string";
TODO description
TODO description