Django module meant to allow django users to keep a history of their previously used passwords.
Django module meant to allow django users to keep a history of their previously used passwords.
Follow these instructions to install and setup django-password-history in your django project.
The only prerequisites to installing django-password-history is having django 2 installed in a Python 3 environment.
The installation process for django password history is very simple. Start by running the following command to install the package.
pip install django-password-history
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo.
The test suite for this package is a work in progress. The initial sample test can be run by using the following command.
coverage run --source django_password_history
In order to use the system you must add django_password_history to your installed apps in your file.
Next you need to define how many historical passwords you want to compare on to the new password when a password is chanced. The default and max is 5 previous passwords.
THe UserPasswordHistory has a one to one relationship with your user model as defined in your file.
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "users.User"
To import the UserPasswordHistory model add the following to the top of the desired python file.
from django_password_history.models import UserPasswordHistory
- Django - Web Framework
- Cookiecutter Django Package - Cookie Cutter Django Package
- David Graves - Working on behalf of Lender's Cooperative
- Roderick Smith - Working on behalf of Lender's Cooperative
- Inspiration
- References