Listen to and update monitors on Julia.
Monitor.jl is a pubsub system that communicates with "blocks" (JSON objects) which allow you to monitor and change data values in subscribing Julia programs.
Block types:
Monitor blocks -- monitor Julia values type: "monitor" origin: ID of the subscriber that produced this block topic: optional topic to publish the block to, when it’s not the default targets: optional list of subscribers that should receive the block (others ignore it) tags: identifyies a set of blocks. Can be a string or an array of strings root: root value for the variables value: variables that monitor values Initial values are not placed into Julia but incoming changes are
Code blocks -- run Julia code type: "code" origin: ID of the subscriber that produced this block topic: optional topic to publish the block to, when it’s not the default targets: optional list of subscribers that should receive the block (others ignore it) tags: identifyies a set of blocks. Can be a string or an array of strings language: language in which to evaluate code return: true if the code should return a block to be published. value: code to evaluate
Data Blocks -- hold data, can be used for responses, type: "data" origin: ID of the subscriber that produced this block topic: optional topic to publish the block to, when it’s not the default targets: optional list of subscribers that should receive the block (others ignore it) tags: identifyies a set of blocks. Can be a string or an array of strings code: optional name of the code block that produced this block, if was one value: value of data
Delete Blocks type: "delete" origin: ID of the subscriber that produced this block topic: optional topic to publish the block to, when it’s not the default targets: optional list of subscribers that should receive the block (others ignore it) value: NAME, [NAME, ...], {"tagged": TAG}, or {"tagged": [TAG, ...]}
start(con::Connection; roots::Dict{Symbol,Any}=Dict(), verbosity=0)
queue_update(name, data) -- queue an update to send out
shutdown() -- close the connection
You can make your own transport by implementing two required handlers:
get_updates(con::Connection{T}, wait_time::Float64)
send_updates(con::Connection{T}, changes::Dict{Symbol})
Optional handlers:
# initialize a newly created connection
# returns the time to wait between refreshes
# returns the time to wait before sending out pending publishes
# returns whether there are pending updates
has_updates(::Connection, ::UpdateType)