Example code using the new API:
extern "C" {
static ExtraPatchAction D2GameExtraPatchActions[] = {
{ 0x6FC386D0 - D2GameImageBase, &GAME_UpdateProgress_WithDebugger, PatchAction::FunctionReplaceOriginalByPatch, &GAME_UpdateProgress_Original},
{ 0, 0, PatchAction::Ignore}, // Here because we need at least one element in the array
static ExtraPatchAction D2ClientExtraPatchActions[] = {
{ 0, 0, PatchAction::Ignore}, // Here because we need at least one element in the array
ExtraPatchAction* __cdecl D2ClientGetExtraPatchAction(int index)
return &D2ClientExtraPatchActions[index];
uint32_t __cdecl DllPreLoadHook(HookContext* ctx, const wchar_t* dllName)
if (wcsicmp(dllName, L"D2Game.dll") == 0)
for (auto& p : D2GameExtraPatchActions)
ctx->ApplyPatchAction(ctx, p.originalDllOffset, p.patchData, p.action, (void**)p.detouredPatchedFunctionPointerStorageAddress);
else if (wcsicmp(dllName, L"D2Client.dll") == 0)
for (auto& p : D2ClientExtraPatchActions)
ctx->ApplyPatchAction(ctx, p.originalDllOffset, p.patchData, p.action, (void**)p.detouredPatchedFunctionPointerStorageAddress);
__debugbreak(); // Insert other dlls here if you added them in the .rc.
return {};
return 0;
} // extern "C"