Course tutors: Llewellyn Falco and Clare Macrae
- Session 1:
- Session 2:
- Session 3:
- Session 4:
- That you have a C++ compiler and suitable IDE installed
- There are some C++ resources on #include <C++>
- That you have CMake installed
- Clone or download this repository:
git clone
- Using Clion, or any other CMake-aware IDE, you should be able to open this repository's directory on your machine, and the IDE will create the project for you.
cd TestingLegacyCodeCourse.cpp
mkdir cmake-build-debug
cd cmake-build-debug
# Create the build commands:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
# Build the project
cmake --build .
# Run the tests
ctest . -C Debug --output-on-failure