Originally created in 2013. Contains all the image, php, html, and css files for my IB CS SL dossier project, Notable, which is available for viewing at http://csproj.comuv.com/
See maketable.php for the SQL needed to create the database table that this project uses.
#project statement "Notable" was created as a response to an IB Computer Science project that asked students to incorporate social media elements into our computer science assignements. "Notable" is a website that enables users to find new music based on a reddit-esque upvoting/downvoting system. Basic functionalities of the site include submitting a song, viewing and voting on songs, and flagging songs for removal.
#what we can do to improve As is, Notable is a very basic project. Some things we can do to improve this project include: Add a better flag detection algorithm/formula. Security features: currently, there is nothing preventing users from SQL injections on our forms.
#credits -layout design, html, images by Carmen Tin -css, php, mySQL by Laura Hu