A Jest plugin for optimized integration with Webpack, Babel and React
This plugin assumes you already have a valid babel instance installed, and unlike babel-jest will use the projects .babelrc file.
It will skip files that babel can not compile, such as .less, .css, .png etc..
It will skip transforming /node_module/ files, under the assumption that they are already valid es5.
It will skip including the jsx transformer (react) on js files for a significant performance advantage.
Files not meeting any of this criteria will be transformed as per .babelrc file.
$ npm install jest-babel-webpack-react --save-dev
Insert jest.scriptPreprocessor
in package.json
"jest": {
"scriptPreprocessor": "<rootDir>/node_modules/jest-babel-webpack-react"
For convenience you may want to add in package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
Then run the tests with npm test