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gh find-code

This extension is a command-line tool that uses the GitHub REST API and fzf to interactively search and preview code.

👨‍💻 Usage

gh find-code [Flags] [Search query]
Qualifier Search query example Description
in 'in:path zsh' matches code where zsh appears in the file path
user 'user:ashtom Development' files with the word Development only from @ashtom
org 'org:cli searcher' searches all code in the cli org for searcher
repo 'repo:junegunn/fzf FZF_PORT' searches only in the junegunn/fzf repo for FZF_PORT
path 'path:.github shfmt' files with the word shfmt in the .github path
language 'language:js "new Proxy"' search for the string new Proxy in JavaScript files
(>, >=, <, and <=)
'size:<100 _gnu_generic' files smaller than 100 bytes with _gnu_generic
filename 'filename:.zshrc GOCACHE' search in all filenames .zshrc for GOCACHE
extension 'extension:rs "Hello, world!"' find .rs files with the string Hello, world!


The search syntax differs between the WebUI and the REST API, with the latter not supporting regex.

Flags Description
-l limit the number of listed results (default 30, max 100)
-h help
Key Bindings fzf Purpose Keybind Environment Variable
? toggle help
ctrl-b open the file in the browser GHFC_OPEN_BROWSER_KEY
ctrl-o open the file content in the editor GHFC_OPEN_EDITOR_KEY
ctrl-p prepend "repo:{owner/name}" to the query GHFC_FILTER_BY_REPO_KEY
ctrl-r reload with up to 100 results GHFC_RELOAD_KEY
ctrl-space toggle command history GHFC_TOGGLE_HISTORY_KEY
ctrl-t toggle between Code and Fuzzy search GHFC_TOGGLE_FUZZY_SEARCH_KEY
ctrl-x open the search query in the browser GHFC_OPEN_BROWSER_QUERY_KEY
enter open the file in the pager GHFC_VIEW_CONTENTS_KEY
tab toggle the file preview GHFC_TOGGLE_PREVIEW_KEY
esc quit

To avoid interfering with a user's typical keybinds, key bindings can be customized by setting the corresponding environment variables. For example, to change the key binding for opening a file in the browser from ctrl-b to ctrl-k:

GHFC_OPEN_BROWSER_KEY="ctrl-k" gh find-code


The assigned key must be a valid key listed under AVAILABLE KEYS in the fzf man page.

man fzf | less --pattern "AVAILABLE KEYS"

💻 Requirements and Installation

# install this extension
gh ext install LangLangBart/gh-find-code
# upgrade
gh ext upgrade LangLangBart/gh-find-code
# uninstall
gh ext remove LangLangBart/gh-find-code

🌐 Environment Variables

Table 1: Environment Variables Utilized

Variable Purpose Default
BAT_THEME Preview theme for syntax highlighting. Monokai Extended
EDITOR Editor to open selected files. vim
PAGER Pager for file viewing. less

Table 2: Environment Variables Defined and Utilized

Variable Purpose Default
GHFC_DEBUG_MODE Enable debug mode 0 (Disabled)
GHFC_HISTORY_FILE Custom location ${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}/gh-find-code/history.txt
GHFC_HISTORY_LIMIT Max number of stored commands 500



  • The name gh find-code was chosen for its descriptive nature. For frequent use, consider setting up an alias.
# ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
alias ghfc='gh find-code'
# or add a custom 'BAT_THEME'/ 'EDITOR'
alias ghfc='BAT_THEME="Dracula" EDITOR="vim" gh find-code'


  • Set BAT_THEME to change the preview color scheme:
# To view all default themes
bat --list-themes --color=never
# Recommended themes: 1337, Dracula, gruvbox-dark, Monokai Extended
# To launch this extension with the 'Dracula' theme
BAT_THEME="Dracula" gh find-code


  • The extension uses the EDITOR environment variable to determine in which editor the selected file will be opened, works with nano, nvim/vi/vim, and VSCode and some of its derivatives (e.g. VSCodium).
  • The code from opened files is stored temporarily and is removed when the program ends.
# Set the editor to Visual Studio Code
EDITOR="code" gh find-code

Fuzzy Finder (fzf)

  • Scroll the preview in larger steps by adding this snippet to your shell setup.
# ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
# scroll the preview in larger steps with ctrl+w/s
--bind 'ctrl-w:preview-half-page-up,ctrl-s:preview-half-page-down'"


  • The history file stores successfully completed unique commands.
  • Customize history file location and limit:
# Specify a custom location for the history file
GHFC_HISTORY_FILE="/custom/location/history.txt" gh find-code
# Set the maximum number of stored commands to 1000
GHFC_HISTORY_LIMIT="1000" gh find-code

Pattern Matching

  • In rare cases, when the API returns patterns with newline characters, pcre2grep, pcregrep, or rg will be used to find line numbers if any of them is installed. Otherwise, grep will be used by default, which will not match patterns containing newlines.

🤔 Pitfall

Incorrect Line Numbers

The API may return irrelevant text matches, which can lead to incorrect line numbers in the entire document.

I occasionally encounter this issue in files when the fragment contains Asian characters prior to the desired search keyword. For example, when searching for commander.js in the nieweidong/fetool repository, the API may return text matches that are all 12 characters long, but there seems to be a bug in the GitHub code as it does not correctly count when the search keyword appears in the fragment. Instead of matching commander.js, it returns er](https://.

command gh api search/code --method GET --cache 1h --field per_page=1 \
  --header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.text-match+json' \
  --raw-field 'q=repo:nieweidong/fetool commander.js' \
  --jq '.items[].text_matches[].matches | first | {text}'
  "text": "er](https://"

Here is an example of a proper text response from the search API:

command gh api search/code --method GET --cache 1h --field per_page=1 \
  --header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.text-match+json' \
  --raw-field 'q=repo:calvinmetcalf/ltcdr commander.js' \
  --jq '.items[].text_matches[].matches | first | {text}'
  "text": "commander.js"

💪 Contributing


Pre-commit is a multi-language package manager for pre-commit hooks. You specify a list of hooks you want and pre-commit manages the installation and execution of any hook written in any language before every commit.

Source: pre-commit introduction

# install the git hook scripts
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg --hook-type pre-commit
# pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/commit-msg
# pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

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GitHub code searching with 'fzf'






