Framework for Soft Displaced Vertices analysis.
This package is currently in a very preliminary stage. Tracks are selected and passed to the InclusiveVertexFinder to reconstruct secondary vertices.
This version utilizes the chain: SUS-chain_RunIISummer20UL18wmLHEGEN_flowRunIISummer20UL18SIM_flowRunIISummer20UL18DIGIPremix_flowRunIISummer20UL18HLT_flowRunIISummer20UL18RECO_flowRunIISummer20UL18MiniAODv2_flowRunIISummer20UL18NanoAODv9-00066.
SUS-RunIISummer20UL18MiniAODv2-00068, is the first file we generate.
SUS-RunIISummer20UL18NanoAODv9-00068 is the final product.
For different MC files it might be worth checking:
In this repository there are two configuration files (* that can be run by cmsRun:
- Produces miniAODv2 and appends a custom collection of filtered reco::Tracks.
- Produces nanaAOD and reconstructs secondary vertices. The newly generated temporary collection includes objects of type reco::Vertex. These are later planned to be appended as flat tables. The output (nanoAOD) contains only flat n-tuples.
To set up the environment:
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_30
cd CMSSW_10_6_30/src
git clone [email protected]:HephyAnalysisSW/SoftDisplacedVertices.git
git checkout temp_main
scram b -j8
To produce miniAOD:
cd CMSSW_10_6_30/src/CustomMiniAODGeneration/test
bash >std_out.log 2>std_err.log
To produce nanoAOD:
cd CMSSW_10_6_30/src/CustomNanoAODGeneration/test
bash >std_out.log 2>std_err.log
N.B. Please modify the paths to the input and output files in:
- SoftDisplacedVertices/CustomMiniAODGeneration/test/
- SoftDisplacedVertices/CustomNanoAODGeneration/test/