A lightweight solution for the server-side rendering of webpack-built applications.
With webpack, we can require any files by using loaders:
// CSS Modules
// @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/css-loader#modules
import style from './css/style.css';
// Require a image file
<img src={require('./img/avatar.jpg')} />
But you'll get an error in server-side rendering, because it is not supported by Node.js.
is a lightweight, easy-to-use solution to solve this issue, and make your client-side codes work on server too.
# for webpack 4
npm install --save webpack-isomorphic@4
# for webpack 3
npm install --save webpack-isomorphic@3
const IsomorphicPlugin = require('webpack-isomorphic/plugin');
const isomorphicPlugin = new IsomorphicPlugin({
extensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'css'],
// assetsFilePath: 'webpack.assets.json'
module.exports = {
// The base directory of your source files
context: __dirname + '/src',
// ...
plugins: [
const webpackIsomorphic = require('webpack-isomorphic');
// The base directory of your built files
webpackIsomorphic.install(__dirname + '/dist', {
cache: process.env['NODE_ENV'] !== 'development',
// assetsFilePath: __dirname + '/dist/webpack.assets.json'
See the example project for more details.