The Extent annotation tool prototype was designed using:
Node.js v20
V1 Uses sortable table and filter components from the MoJ design system. Sprint 1 MVP includes a version without this.
Uses govuk DateTime filter from x-govuk:
npm install @x-govuk/govuk-prototype-filters
Use npm run dev
to start, not npm start
The extent annotation tool is being designed as a proof of concept. It will be an internal tool used to create a validated set of linked data to test the accuracy of an automated solution against. Users will check geospatial representations against textual descriptions and record if they are related.
As an administrator, I need to assign jobs to annotators that contain a set of Titles, so that they can record the relationships between geospatial and textual data
As an annotator, I need to view the Titles that have been assigned to me, so I can start my workflow
As an annotator, I need to view a map with representations of extents in a Title and compare these with descriptions of them, so I can record which ones are linked
If you need the latest kit
Go to the GOV.UK Prototype Kit site to download the latest version and read the documentation.
The Prototype Kit provides a simple way to make interactive prototypes that look like pages on GOV.UK. These prototypes can be used to show ideas to people you work with, and to do user research.
Read the project principles.
If you publish your prototypes online, they must be protected by a username and password. This is to prevent members of the public finding prototypes and thinking they are real services.
You must protect user privacy at all times, even when using prototypes. Prototypes made with the kit look like GOV.UK, but do not have the same security provisions. Always make sure you are handling user data appropriately.
The GOV.UK Prototype Kit is maintained by the Government Digital Service. If you've got a question or need support you can:
email [email protected]
get in touch on Slack(open in app)
If you've got an idea or suggestion you can: