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# [4.13.0-dev.1]( (2024-12-06)

### Bug Fixes

* add missing code ([675d7e6](
* **BytecodeUtils:** due to structural limitations of ReVanced Patcher, incorrect classes may be retrieved ([40082ce](
* **Hide settings menu:** do not use strings for filtering ([98a1cb3](
* remove chimera reference and disable advertising id ([#97]( ([787dd59](, closes [#72](
* remove unused fingerprint ([38b818e](
* **ReturnYouTubeDislike:** show estimated like count for videos with hidden likes ([250641a](
* **YouTube - Hook download actions:** Video download button was not responding ([#71]( ([5038527](
* **YouTube Music/Custom branding icon:** patch fails on certain versions ([115ff0d](
* **YouTube Music/Disable auto captions:** captions cannot be changed when `Disable forced auto captions` is turned on ([d708f36](
* **YouTube Music/Disable Cairo splash animation:** some versions are recognized as unpatchable even though they can be patched ([577f49b](
* **YouTube Music/Flyout menu components:** unable to patch due to incorrect format ([96dc5cf](
* **YouTube Music/GmsCore support:** `Open GmsCore` setting is not added if user only includes `GmsCore support` patch ([3720b4a](
* **YouTube Music/GmsCore support:** can't share the stories to Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat ([a041ca2](
* **YouTube Music/GmsCore support:** YT Music crashes when using the `Open GmsCore` setting ([1205958](
* **YouTube Music/Player components:** `Hide Audio / Video toggle` setting not working in landscape mode ([5422914](
* **YouTube Music/Player components:** `Remember shuffle state` setting does not remember the correct state ([8333bf7](
* **YouTube Music/Player components:** patches do not apply properly in certain versions ([a4227ae](
* **YouTube Music/Sanitize sharing links:** tracking parameters are not removed from the system share panel ([4aec1a1](
* **YouTube Music/SponsorBlock:** SponsorBlock does not skip segment at the beginning when in background ([e25bd10](
* **YouTube Music/SponsorBlock:** SponsorBlock segments at the end of a song cause the player to get stuck ([547fd29](
* **YouTube Music/Spoof app version:** ListPreference sometimes selects wrong values ([b219e0d](
* **YouTube/Custom Shorts action buttons:** low image quality for `Cairo` option on YouTube 18.29.38 ([7da0b55](
* **YouTube/Disable force auto captions:** add information to summary that it doesn't work in Shorts ([277133e](
* **YouTube/Disable force auto captions:** patch doesn't work with Shorts ([9d5998b](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** `Hide carousel shelf` setting sometimes hides the library shelf ([1cf3c6d](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** `Hide Latest videos button` setting does not support tablets ([#89]( ([c932956](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** `Hide related videos` setting hides the player flyout component ([4558869](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** change default offset for `Hide related videos` setting ([6fc7680](
* **YouTube/Hook YouTube Music actions:** app crashes when first installed ([1bc0d73](
* **YouTube/Integrations:** skip patches even in versions where fingerprints are still used ([79bfd1e](
* **YouTube/Litho filter:** disable obfuscation ([2864fb1](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** paddingBottom is not set when patch option `WiderButtonsSpace` is TRUE ([30a88bd](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** paddingBottom is not set when patch option `WiderButtonsSpace` is TRUE ([387891e](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** support A/B player layout ([a25919b](
* **YouTube/Player components:** `Disable player popup panels` setting disables the engagement panel in Mix playlists on certain YouTube version ([6d48ade](
* **YouTube/Player components:** patch is broken in certain versions ([697dc74](
* **YouTube/Settings:**  EditTextDialog's background color does not match when `Theme` patch is excluded ([12127d6](
* **YouTube/Settings:** `Search bar in settings` can't find `RYD` and `SponsorBlock` settings ([9bd51f7](
* **YouTube/Settings:** `Swap Create and Notifications button` description cuts off ([357ad60](
* **YouTube/Settings:** clarify the description of some settings ([f92cb71](
* **YouTube/Settings:** remove duplicate descriptions ([8d8af80](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** `Hide paused header` setting does not work ([17cabfb](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** even if `Hide navigation bar` is turned on, the navigation bar will reappear when the user opens the comments or description panel in Shorts ([2cdc05a](
* **YouTube/SponsorBlock:** add summary text to 'view my segments' button ([8db7d0e](
* **YouTube/SponsorBlock:** handle if the user enters an invalid number into any SB settings ([d6739ef](
* **YouTube/Spoof app version:** remove obsolete 17.33.42 spoof target ([823ccf4](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** Log out the iOS client to allow video playback ([#100]( ([0dee7c1](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** update side effects ([2980d48](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** wrong register used ([f29fbae](
* **YouTube/Theme:** revert `reverts background color of More comments icon in live chats` ([bd6690c](
* **YouTube/Video information:** app crash when casting ([c805c17](
* **YouTube/YT Music - GmsCore support:** unimplemented service in GmsCore causes memory leak ([f999aea](
* **YouTube:** String typos and grammar ([#84]( ([8119eef](

### Features

* **Hide ads:** remove `Close fullscreen ads` setting ([2d6142b](, closes [/](
* **Return YouTube Dislike:** add `Show estimated likes` setting ([40cecc6](
* **Translations:** update translation ([7b0cc3b](
* **Translations:** update translation ([c8f9abe](
* **Translations:** update translation ([606fb1a](
* **Translations:** update translation ([002af89](
* **Translations:** update translation ([4ad4a8f](
* **Translations:** update translation ([a2ee407](
* **Translations:** update translation ([23a0654](
* **Translations:** update translation ([34587af](
* **Translations:** update translation ([231b7f0](
* **Translations:** update translation ([63224c2](
* **Translations:** update translation ([a4b926d](
* **Translations:** update translation ([d19978b](
* **Translations:** update translation ([fd49621](
* **Translations:** update translation ([c0d3cf8](
* **Translations:** update translation ([2a75373](
* **Translations:** update translation ([49ca584](
* **Translations:** update translation ([9eac957](
* **Translations:** update translation ([b79372a](
* **Translations:** update translation ([72f0970](
* **Translations:** update translation ([6a94ada](
* **Translations:** update translation ([51b4efe](
* **Translations:** update translation ([12c3056](
* **Translations:** update translation ([54e686c](
* **Translations:** update translation ([c35ce40](
* **Translations:** update translation ([a1e34b4](
* **YouTube Music/Custom branding icon for YouTube Music:** add patch option `RestoreOldSplashIcon` ([cdbd349](
* **YouTube Music/Custom branding icon for YouTube Music:** Update monochrome icon for afn_red & afn_blue ([#82]( ([507072d](
* **YouTube Music/Hide ads:** add `Hide promotion alert banner` setting ([94f7c5b](
* **YouTube Music/Navigation bar components:** do not use hardcoded color `Enable black navigation bar` setting is turned off ([194ca27](
* **YouTube Music/Settings:** add `Open default app settings` setting ([6b5c03b](
* **YouTube Music/Spoof app version:** add target version 7.16.53 ([3edd8eb](
* **YouTube Music/Spoof app version:** app crashes when first installed ([4387c55](
* **YouTube Music/Video playback:** add an option to disable toasts when changing the default values ([c992f4a](
* **YouTube Music:** add `Visual preferences icons for YouTube Music` patch ([8f5be6f](
* **YouTube Music:** add support version `6.20.51` ([#81]( ([225adc7](
* **YouTube Music:** add support versions `7.15.52` ~ `7.16.52` ([010a19f](
* **YouTube Music:** add support versions `7.16.53` ~ `7.17.51` ([faa112e](
* **YouTube Music:** changes to supported versions - changed `6.29.58` to `6.29.59`, changed `7.16.52` to `7.16.53`, removed `6.33.52` (as it is almost the same as `6.29.59`) ([42ecfa9](
* **YouTube Music:** drop support version `7.17.51` ([cc71acf](
* **YouTube Music:** rename `Enable Cairo splash animation` to `Disable Cairo splash animation` ([3d331a7](
* **YouTube/Change start page:** add `Change start page type` setting ([e8ad2e6](, closes [/](
* **YouTube/Change start page:** change the actual start page instead of redirecting the Url ([37e00d4](
* **YouTube/Custom branding icon:** add patch option `YouTube (Minimal header)` ([#83]( ([29f4e06](
* **YouTube/Custom Shorts action buttons:**  add patch option `Cairo` ([e601cca](
* **YouTube/Description components:** add `Hide AI-generated video summary section` setting ([200e2b8](
* **YouTube/Hide ads:** add `Hide player shopping shelf` setting ([dc379e5](
* **YouTube/Hide ads:** add `Hide promotion alert banner` setting ([82777db](
* **YouTube/Hide comments components:** add `Hide highlighted search links` setting ([df53fdf](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** add `Hide expandable shelves` setting ([6587ba7](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** add `Hide floating button` setting ([e644186](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** add `Hide related videos` setting ([389f414](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** add `Hide UPCOMING video` setting ([0b49445](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** add offset for `Hide related videos` setting ([907bc9b](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** add syntax to match whole keywords and not substrings ([28ede81](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** remove `Duration filter` setting as it no longer works due to server side changes ([aa78830](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** remove `Hide UPCOMING video` setting ([b4a67d3](
* **YouTube/Hide feed components:** selectively hide video by views for Home / Subscription / Search ([780dd0a](
* **YouTube/Hide player flyout menu:** add `Hide 1080p Premium menu` setting ([4eafb40](
* **YouTube/Hide player flyout menu:** add `Hide Sleep timer` setting ([c959612](
* **YouTube/Hide player flyout menu:** remove `Hide Ambient mode menu` setting ([8250dea](
* **YouTube/Hide player flyout menu:** restore `Hide Ambient mode menu` setting ([8b3c44f](
* **YouTube/Navigation bar components:** add `Hide navigation bar` setting ([6c060c5](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** add `Collapse` button and update thin-type overlay button icons ([#75]( ([984cd21](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** add patch option `WiderButtonsSpace` ([#87]( ([3827424](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** change patch options ([5823acc](
* **YouTube/Overlay buttons:** replace `time-ordered playlist` button with `play all` button ([#96]( ([9982245](
* **YouTube/Player components:** add `Disable switch mix playlists` setting ([fc832e2](
* **YouTube/Player components:** add `Sanitize video subtitle` setting ([8d9da83](
* **YouTube/PlayerTypeHook:** add hooking on Shorts state (whether Shorts is open or not) ([bb4f8bf](
* **YouTube/Remove background playback restrictions:** match with ReVanced ([9cb1b4f](
* **YouTube/Seekbar components:** add `Disable seekbar chapters` setting ([504998f](
* **YouTube/Seekbar components:** add `Enable high quality thumbnails` setting ([8af117b](
* **YouTube/Seekbar components:** Add info to `Append timestamp information` summary about tapping the appended information ([#93]( ([93e0f3b](
* **YouTube/Seekbar components:** remove `Enable high quality thumbnails` setting ([065854e](
* **YouTube/Shorts Component:** add `Disable Like button animation` setting ([5a77518](
* **YouTube/Shorts Component:** always hide suggested actions if all sub-settings of the suggested actions category are enabled ([ec68f16](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** add `Height percentage of empty space` setting ([4c824b4](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** add `Hide in channel` setting (Hide the Shorts shelf on the channel home tab) ([5b45fb8](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** add `Hide stickers` setting ([7944107](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** add `Hide Use this sound button` setting ([4fff1ca](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** add settings - `Hide floating button`, `Hide Trends button`, `Hide Use template button` ([166f1a0](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** clarify the description of some settings ([de0ccbf](
* **YouTube/Shorts components:** remove `Hide in watch history` setting ([bc8a586](
* **YouTube/Spoof app version:** add target version `19.13.37 - Restores old style Rolling number animations` ([bc48f2b](, closes [/](
* **YouTube/Spoof app version:** change the default to off and show the dialog when the app is first installed ([105a9fa](
* **YouTube/Spoof app version:** enabled by default in YouTube 19.16.39+ ([620aeae](
* **YouTube/Spoof app version:** remove obsolete 19.13.37 spoof target ([173494d](
* **YouTube/Spoof client:** allow forcing AVC codec with iOS ([4dd7255](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** add `iOS Compatibility mode` setting ([47c4aca](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** match with ReVanced ([9cbc019](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** match with ReVanced ([088f0eb](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** match with ReVanced ([1ef8639](
* **YouTube/Spoof streaming data:** update the hardcoded iOS client version ([f0cf292](
* **YouTube/Swipe controls:** add `Swipe sensitivity` settings ([de5ddb9](
* **YouTube/Toolbar components:** add `Hide YouTube Doodles` setting ([c023138](
* **YouTube/Video playback:** add `Disable playback speed for music` setting ([73dc0d0](
* **YouTube/Video playback:** add `Disable VP9 codec` setting ([753a44f](
* **YouTube/Video playback:** add an option to disable toasts when changing the default values ([#78]( ([4c22853](
* **YouTube/Visual preferences icons:** add the patch option `ApplyToAll ` that do not apply to sub-settings ([5e4b56c](
* **YouTube/YT - GmsCore support:** add patch option `Disable GmsService Broker` ([19a8677](, closes [/](
* **YouTube/YT Music - Return YouTube Username:** add `Display format` setting ([828f83a](
* **YouTube/YT Music:** add `Return YouTube Username` patch ([9733b60](
* **YouTube:** add `Change share sheet` patch ([7339479](
* **YouTube:** add `Hide shortcuts` patch ([63d7b6c](
* **YouTube:** add `Hook YouTube Music actions` patch ([ce55617](
* **YouTube:** add `Spoof streaming data` patch ([15a9d7c](
* **YouTube:** remove `Spoof client` patch ([0d29ed6](
* **YouTube:** rename `Visual preferences icons` to `Visual preferences icons for YouTube` ([9be6315](
* **YouTube:** replace with a fingerprint that supports a wider range of versions ([41e00d6](
* **YouTube:** revert all changes except minimal-header ([b1a9e04](

### Performance Improvements

* **YouTube/GmsCore support:** improve performance by using hashsets ([cae2f6c](

### Reverts

* Revert "feat(YouTube/Custom branding icon): add patch option `YouTube (Minima…" ([#86]( ([24395de](
Assets 2