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The project is a real time chat. Real time is achieved using websockets, which open a two-way connection between the client and the server. Message history is saved and you can create personal chat.
The flask is used as webframework. Websockets libraries: client-side - SocketIO, server-side - flask_socketio. SocketIO is choosen because if a browser doesn't support websockets, the long-polling method is used.
By default, when a user opens a chat with someone, the last 20 messages are loaded. If the user has more than 20 new messages, then all new messages are loaded. If the user has scrolled all messages to top of the chat, the next 10 old messages are loaded. To achive this, the offset method is used.
The module in which the server is configured and there are routes and events for the SocketIO. All database queries and db connection are in a separate module.
The module in which database queries are written to be used as functions. Putting everything in a separate module helps achive abstraction. If we need to change the database, we can create same module to replace the old one with the same functions names and the same behaviour. And doing that we don't need to modify the
The module that contains convenient functions. Among them:
- login_required to check if the user is logged in;
- get_id to parse json for user id;
- get_chat to get the correct room name for flaks_socketio;
- get_formated_datetime to return datetime formatted in the desired format;
- leave_all_chat_rooms to leave the chat rooms before entering in a new one.
The sqlite3 database. Consist of 3 tables: users, chats, messages.
This html page is rendered if the server catches an error.
This html page contains everything related to the chat.
This html page to find chat partners.
This is the home page.
The site layout. Contains links to 3rd party libraries.
The login page.
The registration page.
All client-side logic in this file. This is where a 2-way connection is established. Only the SocketIO events are used to communicate with the server.
join_chat to load messages and set intersection observers. Two intersection observers are used:
- newMessageObserver to check if a new message has been read. Fires the new_message_count_updated event to update the new_message_count for the chat.
- oldMessageObserver to check if the first message in the chat has been read. Fires the message_history_is_scrolled_to_the_top event to load the next 10 previous messages.
message_sent to send a message to the chat partner.
new_user_sent_message to create a chat for the user if they are online on the chat page.
message_received_from_current_chat to display a message from the current chat.
message_received_from_another_chat to display that another chat partner has sent a new message and put it at the top of the chat list, if the user is on the chat page.
The chat consist of two panels. One panel (left panel) to display the chat list, the other (right panel) to display chat partner information such as message history, message input and send button. Each panel has its own css file.
CSS for the left panel.
CSS for the right panel.
The send message button image.
All queries that were used to create the database schema.