Pynba is a WSGI Middleware for Pinba. It allows realtime monitoring/statistics server using MySQL as a read-only interface. It works on Python 2.7, >=3.3 and pypy.
It accumulates and processes data sent over UDP by multiple Python processes and displays statistics in a nice human-readable form of simple "reports", also providing read-only interface to the raw data in order to make possible generation of more sophisticated reports and stats.
Users also can measure particular parts of the code using timers with arbitrary tags.
Because Pinba rocks!
And IsCool Entertainment already uses Pinba for monitoring PHP based applications.
This library relies only on Pinba. You will need to install theses packages before using Pynba.
The installation process requires setuptools to be installed. If it is not, please refer to the installation of this package.
If you want to install the official release, do:
$ pip install pynba
But i you prefer to use the current developement version, do:
$ git clone $ python install
Says that your main WSGI application is:
def app(environ, start_response): ...
Import the pynba decorator, and decorate your main app with it:
from pynba.wsgi import monitor @monitor(('', 30002)) def app(environ, start_response): ...
Each time the app will be processed, a new UPD stream will be sent.
You can also tag the process, for example:
@monitor(('', 30002), tags={'foo': 'bar'}) def app(environ, start_response): ...
Eventualy, you can use timers to measure particular parts of your code. For it, just import the pynba proxy, and use it to create new timers:
from pynba.wsgi import pynba timer = pynba.timer(foo="bar") timer.start() ... timer.stop()
But you may want to supervise simple scripts. For this usage, use ScriptMonitor
from pynba.util import ScriptMonitor monitor = ScriptMonitor(('', 30002), tags={'foo': 'bar'}) timer = monitor.timer(foo='bar') timer.start() ... timer.stop() monitor.send()
Some use cases are available on src/examples/
Pynba log to the 'pynba' logger. You should plug an handler in it. For example, let's say you want to log everything to syslog, here is the modop:
import logging import logging.handlers logger = logging.getLogger('pynba') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.setHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler)
Another aspect is that reporting will be as discreet as possible, by not raising exceptions on errors. This feature can be disabled directly into the reporter instance.
For the WSGI usage:
from pynba.wsgi import PynbaMiddleware monitored_app = PynbaMiddleware(app, ('', 30002)) monitored_app.reporter.raise_on_fail = True
The decorated version:
from pynba.wsgi import monitor @monitor(('', 30002)) def app(environ, start_response): ... app.reporter.raise_on_fail = True
Or the script usage:
from pynba.util import ScriptMonitor monitor = ScriptMonitor(('', 30002)) monitor.reporter.raise_on_fail = True
While debugging, you can rebuild c package with this command:
$ python cythonize develop
About the data sent:
represent the resource usage for the current process, not the shared resources.document_size
cannot be automaticaly processed with the current WSGI specification. You are able to set manually this value like this:pynba.document_size = [YOUR VALUE]
also is currently not implemented. Like the previous data, you can set manually this value like this:pynba.memory_peak = [YOUR VALUE]
also is currently not implemented. Like the previous data, you can set manually this value like this:pynba.memory_footprint = [YOUR VALUE]
About timers:
The Python version permites multiple values for each timer tags. Just declare any sequences, mapping or callable. This example:
pynba.timer(foo='bar', baz=['seq1', 'seq2'], qux={'map1': 'val1'})
Will populates 4 values for 3 tags in the Pinba database:
('foo', 'bar'), ('baz, 'seq1'), ('baz, 'seq2'), ('qux.map1', 'val1')
Other additions:
allows to monitor single scripts. IsCool Entertainment uses it for monitoring our AMQ based workers.
This package is release under the MIT Licence. Please see LICENSE document for a full description.